The Theory of Love (264)

130 Name: Demian : 2006-05-13 17:31 ID:O/+lOSvL

There is little point in mentioning that, >>128, because Ulrich doesn't really get the point of a discussionboard. Members on a discussionboard only remain interesting if they consider the ideas of others, and give feedback on that. (with more detail than just agree/disagree).

You might wanna see how he reacted to the post from the Jolly Javelin >>110. Ulrich, you might wanna read it too, and while you're at it, consider the concepts of 'irony' and 'sarcasm.'

I'm still trying to determine whether he saw through it or not, because his reply, that big hunk of text (load it in Word to read it) was so ridiculous it reads to me as an ironic response. Somebody comment on that?

>>128, if you like to talk more on this subject, let us both not forget that this thread is about the theory of love, not about Ulrich.

I still think you're a nice guy, Ulrich, don't let me get on your bad side :)

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