How do I confessed love? (19)

11 Name: Some Guy!ur6F5gR21E : 2006-04-21 22:20 ID:WIN3rrJM


Why am I shallow? Shallow means that you only like people because of their looks. This girl is beautiful AND just like me. I'm talking about the "34 IQ valley girls" negatively, because they're nothing but complete sluts with shit for brains who only think about Gucci purses, The OC, sex, wearing record breakingly short skirts, having a stubborn-as-fuck chihuaua, shitty rappers that lie about being hood and their paradoxical ".45 Mossberg" (50 Cent said he had one to "pump up ya chest" even if you do "all dem push-ups ta pump up ya chest") and other trends I might have missed. So in short I don't want them because they aren't relevant to my interests. I mean, a 56'000 on my 1 to 10 scale of "Irrelevant to my interests." In short, despite t3h tig bitties and the nice hair, I still try to avoid those pricks.

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