S.O.S:- Need Help + Story (86)

53 Name: RedMuppet : 2006-05-17 19:24 ID:7Rahu2ka

>>52 to save LoveLost the trouble just read the first couple of posts (just a suggestion!)

So I've been absent for a little while and read up on the recent events. Normal that you would feel incapacitated after seeing S. It's always like that when you bump into an old crush (at least for me). The guys here seem to be a little tough on you... I mean I for one knows the dilemma of falling in love with a person you consider your friend (especially your best friend!) I mean do you 'go for it' and risk losing her friendship (because let's face it, you might make great friends but things may not work out as a couple) or do you simple tuck in the emotions and enjoy the friendship. It's hard I know and honestly I don't really have any 'advice'. Just empathizing I guess.

... Perhaps the one thing I can say is to get so uptight about it. She likes hanging out with you and vice versa. Just continue doing that for now at the very least.

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