How do you confess? (56)

1 Name: Doku Otoko : 2006-05-10 08:09 ID:h+WMFvG6

I've never had any experience and even though I dont plan on doing this anytime soon, I want to know just in case. How do you guys confess to a girl? Do you have a speech like in those dramas? Or do you just say something simple like, "you know, I really like you"?

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-10 08:46 ID:MKS5TorC

Either way can work. It's a lot easier to just tell them you like them, but if you can dig up the courage for a long speech go for it! The girl who I like -- I've wanted to tell her I like her for a while but I couldn't find the right moment. Recently though, the timing felt right and I just told her "I like you." She may or may not have gotten that I really like her, but I was finally able to say it at least.

So my advice is tell her as much as you can. The more the better (to an extent of course). I think just saying you like her is enough if the atmosphere is already good and it feels like the right time to say it. If you're doing it through a note or something, though, length is probably better.

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-10 08:59 ID:cfaQN1eD

You don't. You imply it.

Ignore you see in TV or movies. It's called fiction for a reason.

Here's how it works: You don't just admire her from a far, you get to know her. If you just develop a crush on her and suddenly spring into action by confessing your feelings, you end up looking creepy, and will get brushed off.

Women are very quick to categorize you as either a friend or a potential mate. First impressions are everything. By this I don't mean apperance or other such nonsense. I'm referring to the fact that you should let off to her from the beginning that you are interested in her and that you are her type. You should try to get to know her. Introduce yourself and strike up a conversation. If you can't carry a conversation, you will fail. Smile, nod and listen. Common interests are great, but not necessary. The key really is to let her do most of the talking. Don't rant on about your obsessions.

You should monitor how she acts. If she does like you, you'll be able to pick up on it and run with the ball. Parties and dates are better for this than meeting at the school cafeteria. Does she smile back at you? Does she lean towards you? Girls do a lot of subconscious things when they fancy you. You will eventually learn to pick up on these signs.

Act relatively fast. I've fucked up many times by being too timid to act. Strike when the iron is hot; go for the goodbye kiss. Never decline if she asks you in for a cup of coffee or a nightcap or whatever.

I stated that girls are quick to categorize you as a friend or potential mate. What I neglected to tell you is that they are also quite fast to demote you from a potential mate to the friend zone. When this happens, quit pining and move on. When she starts talking to you about other guys (namely about this boy she fancies), don't hang around waiting for something to happen. It's not going to, and you're just waiting for naught. Think of the friend zone as a covalent bond. Breaking it requires energy in the form alcohol and lots of sexual tension. Odds are not in your favor. Keep her as a friend (after all, she might introduce you to someone), fap a few times, but move on.

Good luck.

4 Name: Admirable Secret : 2006-05-10 09:02 ID:d37uZu95

Well, whatever you do, don't give her a dog biscuit and tell her to fetch. It usually isn't taken kindly.

Then again...

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-10 09:05 ID:cfaQN1eD

Seriously, don't give her a note. If you can't muster up the guts to talk to her and get the lay of the land, you have no shot with her anyway. Don't go on for months.

6 Name: >>2 : 2006-05-10 09:16 ID:MKS5TorC

The advice we give you would probably be more efficient if we know if you're confessing to a girl online or in person.

Lots of people seem to think you should never tell a girl you like her, but I don't think you should think that can't work, if that's what you want to do. Personally it's just not my style. In my most recent close-distance relationship, I just asked her if she wanted to be my girlfriend and she said yes. Actually, my words were, "Would you like to be...intertwined?" It was pitiful! But that should show you that it doesn't matter how you go about doing it if the girls wants to date you. If she wants to, she wants to. If she doesn't, she doesn't. The way you go about asking probably won't make or break the deal, based on my experience at least. The most important thing is to get to know her and see if you two connect well.

If it's a long distance relationship over the internet, you really don't have the option of "implying it" like >>3 suggests. You pretty much have to say you like her. You can't even ask her if she wants to "go out" since that obviously can't happen! I think timing is more important in this situation, and in some ways it can be harder. Your best bet is probably to casually bring up something related to dating and hope for an opening to throw in your confession.

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