There's no such thing as love... (36)

1 Name: Zennigata : 2006-05-16 18:09 ID:IQcPey03 This thread was merged from the former /love/ board. You can view the archive here.

My heart is sorta sunk right now... Every day we shared so much. I went to bed one night thinking of my future, what I need to accomplish in order to take care of her... and the next night I fall asleep out of exhaustion... crying... wondering why she suddenly decides to move away on her own will, but instead of even giving me the chance of going with her, she turns cold blooded on me and doesn't even shead a tear of regret...

Fuck love... There's no such thing... Its only a primal emotion that no longer serves a purpose in today's world of lies, deception, and hate. Fuck it all...

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-16 18:21 ID:rqB3uv1Q

Classic case of choosing to believe love doesn't exist when a relationship doesn't work out!

3 Name: >>1 from another thread : 2006-05-16 20:48 ID:FMa0+emc

Sorry >>1, that tends to happen a lot. I had a girl tell me a bunch of things she didn't really mean, and she still kinda thinks I'd wanna get a place with her in a couple of months, even though she pretty much yells at me every time she sees me.

The important thing here is to remember that it's not your fault... unless it is. But don't go trying to fool yourself into thinking anything's your fault if it's not. Does that even make sense?

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-16 21:31 ID:nSyBw3v2

Relationships can kick ass the first month, often remain awesome for their duration, but almost always suck ass when they fail.

Just keep in mind nothing in life will ever go 100% in your favor. Accept what life gives you, deal with the crap that gets thrown at you, and just masturbate enough to fill in the holes. There's no shame in that.

5 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-17 01:11 ID:NVLEoFGU

>Fuck love... There's no such thing... Its only a primal emotion that no longer serves a purpose in today's world of lies, deception, and hate. Fuck it all...

Bingo. Something that just tears one asunder and wrecks that person with grief in the end. You would be better off in life not bothering with such things, if you wish that is.

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-17 02:34 ID:D3jWlQ2D

Umm...You made your first mistake right there.
" I went to bed one night thinking of my future, what I need to accomplish in order to take care of her.."

You don't have to take care of anybody but yourself man. If you are going with a girl who "needs" you and then dumps you, then you were never in love, just used.

Don't take it so hard, you're young(probably too young) and there are plenty of fish in the sea. Years from now you will probably look back and say "my god what was I thinking? Getting so upset over somebody who really didn't matter in the long run".

And the thing is, no girl "owes you a chance" because if it worked that way, well then you would ultimately be unhappy because you would be stuck with somebody who didn't actually like you.

If you want, wait a while, take care of yourself first and try to get a girl who is independent and mature and who likes you for you and not just what you can do or buy for her.

No other way of saying it.

7 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-17 04:12 ID:Heaven

Trying to rationalize your fears by turning them into the enemy.
A classic case of a deluded mind.

8 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-17 10:37 ID:8mQqghfj

yeah, fuck love, become a ninja

9 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-17 10:42 ID:Heaven

>masturbate enough to fill in the holes


10 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-17 10:43 ID:OvUVymZZ

Wrong. More or less AVOIDING problems. Not a fear, but a problematic situation which you can avoid or endure. I would rather evade such controversy than be consumed by despair.
I do not think delusion would fit my mind very well. Bad analytic skills, buddy. =\

11 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-17 12:00 ID:Heaven

love is controversy now? o shi-

12 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-17 22:02 ID:Ro59/dkP

>>10 It's funny how it seems everyone agrees that you have the wrong state of mind, but you seem to think that as long as you disagree, that makes you right.

13 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-17 23:08 ID:Heaven

In an attempt to validate his world view he puts himself in the dominant position, downplaying his fears and reassuring himself that he is right. He will not only dismiss your professional opinion but also question your abilities. Anyone questioning his views will be belittled as to avoid bruising of the ego. A superiority complex is not uncommon, trying to validate his existence by putting himself on top after being shunned for so long. Introspection is either nonexistent or strongly biased.

Please study the subject carefully because you will encounter many cases like these in the real world.

14 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-18 01:34 ID:cN/VW07M

>>13 No, I am not superior to anyone, for I am human just as the rest of my brethren. Inherently corrupt and disrought. If I were actually trying to be arrogant, you would certainly know of it. And stop denying the facts. I base my opinions off of pure FACTS. You, along with various other alias', evidently do not see that.

15 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-18 02:33 ID:Heaven

>>14 Defending yourself by saying you aren't superior doesn't change the way you act. Your attitude and personality contradict your claims.

>>13 I'm glad I have people here that agree with me!

16 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-18 09:27 ID:lIFub0X9

Well, think what you will. You're just falsely accusing me of being arrogant when I am not. You're just highly ignorant to the fact.

17 Name: Admirable Secret!3pI2s8EqCA : 2006-05-18 10:19 ID:eqYUQTbt

Hamsters are cuter than guinea pigs.

You might be wondering why I said that just now. I did it to prove a point. That first sentence of my post is by FAR the most interesting thing that has been said here. The rest of this topic has been nothing but a predictable stream of rationalizations, justifications, and other bullshit.

The problem with the vast majority of the posters creating topics like this is that they are so alientated from themselves and the people whose attentions they desire that they don't even recognize their own thoughts and feelings.

Which would be bad enough, but then it opens the door for other people to come into the picture. Enter: condescension!

>>1, you don't know your ass from 50 cents a week. >>5, you have NOTHING to add to ANY romantic conversation, so cram it. >>10 and >>13, you're both smarmy assholes that have long since decided that this topic has been dedicated to your STUPID bickering that you have completely forgotten that you had originally posted here in order to HELP someone.

As for myself: here's a piece of advice - stop kidding yourselves. It is almost unbearably audacious for someone to try to define exactly what love is, let alone attempt to prove or disprove its existence. You (in particular) clearly don't have the capacity nor the common sense. You don't enjoy life, you quantify it. You don't experience experiences, you measure them. You have a very sad outlook on life, and you have my simultaneous pity and disgust.

Chew on that for awhile.

18 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-18 10:55 ID:RMmch9A/

>>>5, you have NOTHING to add to ANY romantic conversation, so cram it.

And how would an idiot like you know?

>You (in particular) clearly don't have the capacity nor the common sense.

How wrong you truly are. Your judgment is shrouded in darkness at the moment, filled with hatred.

>You don't enjoy life, you quantify it.

I enjoy life every day. Corruption is just one thing I enjoy talking about.

>You don't experience experiences, you measure them.

That is what an intellectual is, one who uses sensory experience, or their mind. Same with Psychologists. Personal experience does not always qualify in everything. Same with a black hole, people theorize that it leads to other universes, whilst others believe it compresses space. But if you were to actually explore one, you would end up dead more than likely. You can't personally explore everything.

>You have a very sad outlook on life, and you have my simultaneous pity and disgust.

I need not your pity. Yes, I do have a pessimistic view, for everything is usually negative, but that does not mean I do not enjoy the good things in life as well. I have friends, family, and knowledge. I am not some anti-social person who is always introverted and chaotically conspiring the destruction of the world.

19 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-18 11:31 ID:WRSXtb4Y

Two words: grow up. You are contradicting yourself, for you are currently acting immature accusing someone of arrogance. Don't be a hypocrite.

20 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-18 19:59 ID:Heaven

>>19 why would you even bother replying?

21 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-18 22:32 ID:fYwO/jQW


>Two words: grow up. You are contradicting yourself, for you are currently acting immature accusing someone of arrogance. Don't be a hypocrite.

Oh great, now I have posers trying to denounce me. How typical and immature. You people are a bunch of hypocrites, consumed by ignorance and belligerance.

22 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-18 23:11 ID:y+MN9bih

No, my friend. This is actual facts.

23 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-18 23:20 ID:4tjnbowH

The beings whom have been throwing constant slurs and blasphemy at me for my ideals ARE uncompromising for they will not mutually agree. I do respect their opinions, but that does not mean I cannot give feedback on their opinions. And some, such as 18 are contradictory, for they are engulfed by such arrogance.

24 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-19 01:53 ID:V2t6LuP0

I wish Ulrich would stay out of our threads.

25 Name: Admirable Secret!3pI2s8EqCA : 2006-05-19 04:44 ID:eqYUQTbt

Dude, honestly. If you're going to be a tripfag, do it right. You give the rest of us tripfags a bad name.

26 Name: Ulrich!b/J5P5LN4s : 2006-05-19 05:09 ID:V2t6LuP0

Sorry >_< This is my code from now on.

27 Name: Ulrich!HLtjLvv0V. : 2006-05-19 08:45 ID:SpQzeSdj

isn't the real Ulrich

28 Name: Ulrich!0PwEcPsMT. : 2006-05-19 10:16 ID:uKs7xe6Z

isn't the real Ulrich

29 Name: Ulrich : 2006-05-19 10:34 ID:7izRRTZc


These idiots are using my name to irritate me and give me a bad reputation at the same time. All they are doing is copying and pasting from my posts in my topic.

30 Name: Ulrich!zecNf/Y0YE : 2006-05-19 15:19 ID:SpQzeSdj

These idiots are using my name to irritate me and give me a bad reputation at the same time. All they are doing is copying and pasting from my posts in my topic.

31 Name: Ulrich!b/J5P5LN4s : 2006-05-19 18:21 ID:QbHaGeYv

These idiots are using my name to irritate me and give me a bad reputation at the same time. All they are doing is copying and pasting from my posts in my topic.

32 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-05-24 13:19 ID:+HdWtniE


Hulk smash !!!

33 Post deleted.

34 Name: Secret Admirer : 2019-12-09 20:01 ID:zMJQHY+6

Tripfags are universally cancerous and should not be allowed on any anonymous imageboard worth it's salt

35 Name: Secret Admirer : 2019-12-19 19:20 ID:zMJQHY+6

This ^

36 Name: Secret Admirer : 2020-01-04 10:00 ID:Heaven

this is a text board
commit sudoku

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