What a great friend?? (46)

2 Name: Admirable Secret!3pI2s8EqCA : 2006-05-20 07:03 ID:xdPGuuK7

Well, this is a very stupid topic. Wait, I didn't mean stupid, per se... but rather idiotic.

1: Why are you hanging out with a third person during a supposedly romantic encounter?

2: How do we know for SURE that he was flirting with her? "Flirting" is such a general term, and I noticed a distinct lack of embellishment. What, was he SPEAKING with her? Was he smiling? Having a good time? Was he kissing her, or passing notes? What the HELL is "flirting," and how do I know he wasn't just being friendly?

3: What is stopping me from thinking that it wasn't your friend's fault you didn't get a good night kiss, but rather your own? From the sound of things, you spent more time that evening seething about your friend that I'm not surprised she didn't want to spend more time with you.

4: Why don't you be a man and actually approach your friend/girlfriend about this issue instead of whining to a group of strangers about someone supposedly horning in on your main squeeze?

5: Have you heard of spellchecking?

5b: Is there any point to you capitalizing words in the middle of your sentences?

6: Are you, in fact, Ulrich in disguise?

7: Do you have ANY respect for either your girlfriend's or your friend's feelings? Anonymous or not, you've essentially portrayed her as a slut and your friend as a dateless scumbag trying to steal your life's blood away from you. A LITTLE impartiality will not fucking kill you, for God's sake.

8: Are you, in fact, simply posting here so people will feel pity for you, giving you justification for simply avoiding the problem in real life and hoping that it will go away on its own?

The answers to those questions would clarify things quite a bit, thank you.

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