Bad sign? (89)

76 Name: frigid onanoko : 2006-07-14 20:45 ID:D2s/YUzr

waah! me gave you advice. If you not gonna be decisive in any way, frigid onanoko be bored. Wanna see action! either yes or no will do, but not this void of doubt. something! you can wait when you're dead. You ask for help, then don't just neglect our input-do you know I alone spent half an hour thinking and typing post >>69 together??? and other people also spend their time here, for you.

frigid onanoko pissed by this behaviour!!!!!

We're talking real life problem, we're talking real life solutions. YOU make the decision. Do you? If you're not gonna do anything, frigid onanoko never think about your problem again!

angry byebye

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