Saying sorry is so hard... (21)

10 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-07-18 21:20 ID:Hcf554kP


Yeah get worked up over a little slip like this, you know I find this girls reaction rather loud too. Sure it was a fucked up thing to do and he should be ashamed, but it isn't like he's sick for it and you being disgusted just tells me you're oversensitive because you have issues yourself.

You know girls are like this too, suddenly, without neither a warning nor an invitation, they'll be climbing on your fucking dick, as if they think they have a natural right to do it. The difference though is that when you turn them down, instead of apologizing, they get upset and spread lies about you. THAT, is disgusting. I can have understanding and compassion for people who lose to their emotions, do something bad and then understands that and asks for forgiveness, but I have no fucking compassion for people who are too proud to recognize that they fucked up.

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