Feeling Lost, Hopeless (27)

13 Name: Anonymous : 2006-07-23 23:06 ID:txcn9ZQD

Somehow today's conversation didn't go too bad, started out with "are you ok?" then we sort of ranted on about what she did, then I said that the reason I didn't call for the past 2 days was for her to calm down, since she'll be more rational and won't think with her emotions. She said why I always bring up what happened, so I just thought its best explained where Im coming from to her. Then we talked about her job, and my frustration over finding a job, which leaded to us talking about how we miss eachother and how it differs, since she is working, there is less time for her to think about me, also, she's constantly surrounded by people. Where as in my case, I'm either at home trying to find a job or out trying to find a job/ buying groceries. I explained to her that it was lonely, and Im not happy, but this is needed to be done. It was hard to admit that to her. However, she said she feels bad because she should be more forceful and ask me to come with her. I would have been much happier with her she said. So now she's trying to get me to go over to her. I told her that I'll have to ask my sister, because I have no money to get a plane ticket, let alone the spending money to stay over there. I don't want to be a burden to her and let her pay for me all the time, even if it's just food - But I'll try to ask my sister for the money, knowing that she'll say no, but theres no harm in trying I suppose.

Another thing I wanted to add when I was talking with her is that since she's working, she won't see me as much, and I would just remain idle at her place lazing about like a no good bum. Because she was sleepy and needed to get up early, I told her to go to bed instead, not to ruin the good mood that we have so far.

I think I will tell her that next time I call her...What do you guys think?

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