How do I reject my "nice and funny guy but not a potential BF" - status? (59)

14 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-07-25 05:02 ID:UptUfKyl

First of all, you need to be an asshole. So, to that end be yourself. Be rude, use racial epithets, decry and detract for your enemies. If you don't have enemies, then MAKE some. POWERFUL ENEMIES. Dress very antisocially. Don't dress up, SCREW THAT NOISE, JACK! I will never dress up for a girl. I'll dress up if I feel like it. Also piss off some women, openly state that you like the wear their breasts look. Openly show your disgust for most women.

And then, when you see a woman you are attracted to. Simply approach them, and ask them their name. Don't EVER give your name. NEVER. I'm serious about this shit. If they ask, be vague.

Enter into a limited conversation with them. This is to see if you would actually want to stand being with them for more than 20 minutes. If you like what you got, ask them out somewhere basic. I like the shooting range. I have this awesome Green Steyr AUG and it makes girls wetter than Hell. If not that, McDonalds. Here's where it happens. LET THEM RAMBLE ON AND ON. Don't interrogate and don't question. Just let them talk. If you STILL like what you hear, offer to pick up the check and ask to see them later. Then casually hang out with them and let them ramble. DO NOT DISCLOSE PERSONAL INFORMATION ABOUT YOURSELF AND DO NOT LET THEM KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE. Keep the mystery. Eventually it will progress and get more physical.

What have you done? Basically you have let them play right into your little web. Know you know essentially everything about them and they know nothing about you. THIS gives you the power to make sure you like what you have. If she's still interesting and attractive you may proceed and SLOOOWLY open up. If you find out she's a Class A cunt, then you can cut bait and separate and she can't track you down and do crazy shit and embarrass you.

If some girl rejects you. Let her know that she was never really good enough for you and you were just being nice. You can always do better. Me I don't really like women. I just go out with them occasionally just because. I mean I have an 8,000 dollar Hotaru doll at home. I really don't need a girlfriend. But sometimes women can do things for you besides just sex. They can be free meals and they can do you favors and even though I love my Hotaru to death sometimes I need variety.

Eventually it gets harder to maintain my mask of feigned interest and I have to drop them. I really only go out with them for food, money, and on occasion physical affection. It still feels good to kiss a living human female on the lips. But then the utter disdain and disgust I have for other people gets the better of me and I need to be Isolated once more.

Oh yeah it helps if you aren't fat assed and when this shit works DO NOT BE NEEDY OR OVERPOSSESSIVE LIKE THAT NERDY KID ON DEGRASSI THE NEXT GENERATION WAS WITH THAT KOREAN GIRL. That's just fail right there man.

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