How do I reject my "nice and funny guy but not a potential BF" - status? (59)

16 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-07-25 06:55 ID:gq8Xtrq4


Hey man.... I get sick of that puppet bullshit. Puppet of Big Oil, Puppet of Haliburton. I don't care about politics, just money. I had no problem being a Private Contractor over in Iraq and I am not ashamed of my Hotaru Real Doll. She's more of a lady than any human girl I've ever met.

If you really ARE a girl, Let me let you in on a secret:

Women need men more than men need women. As long as I have my right hand, Hotaru, some Duran Duran, and some K Y Jelly I really don't need jack shit from any woman. However a woman will ALWAYS Need a man. Remember Gloria Steinem that communist bitch? "OH I need a man like a fish needs a bicycle" Yeah for 30 freaking years bitches just ate that shit up like it was candy and guess what she did? She married the guy who played Patrick Bateman's dad. Women are nothing more than toys or breeding machines.

Except for the scant Valkyrian few who actually matter. And Aye, I have known a few. Strong Willed, Vindictive, and hard. They appreciated me for who I was and were encouraging of me. Never got in my business, never made me be anything I wasn't.

Why not commit? That's just the nature of the lifestyle. I don't think of them as girlfriends or fucktoys. I think of them as friends with whom I can open up a bit. But by nature I am a solitary person, so I see them rarely.

Case in point, a lady who worked with an NGO is a good friend of mine. I haven't seen her in four years, but I know that when we see each other again we'll probably go get some nice dinner and share some intimacy. She's earned the right by being both a Warrior and a Scholar.

But Girls you meet on the me they are only worth Mickey D's and a two star motel room. And really, I don't mess with them too much.

I mean....I have my Hotaru Doll, you know.

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