Now I got my Densha-style topic.... help!!! (60)

38 Name: Otaku Hikki : 2006-08-18 09:53 ID:Hz16Wgxf

I have also just turned 26 recently, I understand your disposition. Not knowing friends and not aware of where to go since you don't go out. I can sympathize with your hardships because if I ever go out with a girl, I wouldn't know where to go and because I don't have friends, I wouldn't know who to consult for answers. And being in your room most of the time, there just isn't anything that one could come up to telling her what sort of interest one do in a conversation if she were to ask you what you do without falling down into the spiral for not having a social life outside of your room and begin making something up to hide your hikki tendencies.

If you don't have any friends like me, how are you going to tell her about your social life?

I think anyone who has a social life of some sort or otherwise can tell that that there are problems with you by how much you know about social knowledge when you converse with her, since you aren't adapted to going out and having knowledge of places like cafes, I'm also in that disposition, that may give her the knowledge that you aren't experienced socially. I for one fear this that they may find out about me being a social outcast and a shut in, and eventually they being freaked out by this.

If you have nothing to say but your otaku interest, how would you try to hide the fact and making her believe you are normal like what the norm expects us to be?

I'm not discouraging you, quite the opposite, I just want to see how things turn out, and hope she likes you back.

I'm posing a few questions not only for you ponder about, but for the rest of use who can relate to it, about not having social knowledge and social of friends to help you, how can you survive? I have survive thus far only relying on myself to get what I want, I only have my parents if I want help but no one else in this world other than institutions who helps those in the need.

I can easily drive to anywhere but I don't know where to go, if I did, I would then wonder around aimlessly like last time in the arcade area. And people just look at you curiously, and depending on where you go, if you go to those places where there lot of people getting drunk and being annoying, they start to approach you and give you an attitude, which pisses you off, and because they are in a group and you are alone, it makes you alienating to them and you being loser, not only that it seems threatening to me, and give me a feeling of getting basebat and beat them up. Like they are making fun of you and making you seem powerless, it makes me angry. And since we are man, we tend to think of ourselves as the owners of territory, it gives the feeling they are taking over you and feeling of being belittled by their attitude towards you and add the heat that girls are with them, and this feeling make me want to fight back and claim respect. I think of this situation and it kind of proves that we have instincts not unlike animals. I think this is some kind of territory the group of little culture is protecting, especially protecting their females mates and attracting them through which this kind of behavior is shown. I'm diverting, but nonetheless, I just see what you and others have to say about this. Again sorry for being somewhat off topic, and using this thread to raise a few points not completely unrelating to the thread.

I was thinking of going to church, long story but I won't bore you....... I may start a new thread about this in future depending on how I feel, undecided though. If I ever feel the need to escape my hikki life patterns, maybe it will surface later on in a new thread. But doing so further in this thread would be offensive. Sigh......

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