Now I got my Densha-style topic.... help!!! (60)

56 Name: mega otoko : 2006-08-21 00:05 ID:fadHyH2s

so okay, i like..... uhm. i really like japanese, you know, japanese anime and um, bishoujo games. that means beautiful girl. they're games where you..... you make friends with beautiful girls.

anyway i have this friend and we decided to go to japan because i uh, i speak japanese, and i wanted to get this kanon pencilboard you can't get ANYWHERE ELSE.

what happened was we had to stay there in japan, and i uh got this job at gamers heh heh just like digi charat heh heh but anyway there's these girrrrls there and um. i'm not sure what to do.

there is this one who is oh my god oh my god she's REALLY IN the bishoujo games oh god oh god and i am uh i guess a pretty big fan now. i just uh sometimes she says nice things to me and uh. i. i'm so scared.

she hates me she hates me she hates me. no matter what i do she hates me

so uh can anybody help?

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