Solution-less problem? (67)

7 Name: 2 : 2006-08-21 10:41 ID:puBawmj3

Yes.. Thank you for putting everything in extremes again, >>4 and >>6, although I have to admit that you do raise some issues that would otherwise just be waltzed over.

First of all I never implied that a relation in which the sexlife is not fulfilling cannot last. Secondly, and perhaps I wrote this a little less clear - I never wished to imply that during sex you focus only on yourself. The point there was that focussing on your partner continually is probably not the way to orgasm. Fortunately for me, >>4 hasn't made any effort at all to show that he's better informed about orgasming than me (so we're both nitwits).

In my opinion, orgasming was the point. Even though a healthy relationship is a far more important topic, its not really the subject here, so we needn't talk about it. Why? Because I believe >>1 is perfectly capable to make her own decisions and evaluate the whole situation. She never asked us to evaluate her relationship at all, so its rude to push it in her face then... huh, >>4?

Finally I've got to admit that I ain't christian myself, and apparently the christian (virginity) problem doesn't cut much wood for >>1 anyway. Still, on a level of personal interest I'd like to know where Jesus actually said you can have only one woman during your life. (which imho can only be in the 4 gospels)

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