Has anyone ever loved more than one person? (21)

18 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-08-26 09:59 ID:Heaven

I agree with >>4 .

You must have broke up with girl B for a reason, and the reason probably still stands true.

Considering you still love her, and that you said she "lives in Texas" I'm assuming you broke up with her because you don't like long distance relationships.

It really depends on what you want to do. I would say stay with the girl you're with as long as you're still in that situation. (Probably because I don't really believe in long distance relationships either.) ...but if you do like/love girl B more, are feeling like your earlier decision of breaking up with her was wrong, and that you still have a chance (waiting?) with her, you might want to choose to break up with girl A insted.

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