Meeting girls! [gay] (34)

18 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-08-28 03:22 ID:4e1V0sdC

Lol, of course i'm black, what else could i be? You try having the blunt of the racism inherent even in the very fabric of the government and the higher ups (i.e. the police force business owners, bosses) thrown at you and not realize how fucked up California, nay, the USA is.


But then again is it possible for member of an ethnic minority to be racist against against the an ethnic majority? On a personal level, yes, but on a major scale? Where its possible for the minority to actually systematically be fucked up to the majority? No, it aint. Check out certain, well most, business owners in my area (Mendocino, how much more white trash can you get?) if you really want an example.

Hell, one of the many examples i have, involves when i was in high school here i used to date a white girl, and could you possibly believe the amount of bad karma i got from those around me? There was one kid always calling me a nigga-bitch on a daily basis. Fucked up white kids.

Point being, i am racist with good reason. But not to the point of putting down someone just because i'm in control.

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