Meeting girls! [gay] (34)

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-08-27 01:34 ID:gUJgjeES

First of all, it's just a phase.

You are not gay. There is a reason guys find you attractive and you share interests with them. You are straight. You natrually feel more in tune because that is what your lower mind desires.

You are trying to force it, which is why it "screws with your head" and you feel like "a dude in prison who is going to be turned homo".

My recommendation is to take some time off, try to find yourself really find yourself, and take some of these guys up on their offer. You may yet find a male that you like. Most likely you had a traumatic experience with a male and you feel you need to be with a female. You won't be happy, trust me, with another girl. Because you aren't truly attracted to them.

Your brain is factory hard-wired to serve a purpose. To go against the factory specifications voids your warranty.

Seriously, slow down and give it a chance. You'll be glad you did.

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