Meeting girls! [gay] (34)

30 Name: OP : 2006-08-29 16:51 ID:42ORv+6j

What I meant was that I don't look gay, sorry typo.
I don't know how to tell gayness, it's harder with girls, which is why I am lonely in the first place. The most visible gay girl has short hair, doesn't wear makeup, and doesn't wear clothing designed to make her look good for men, although it can be a women's brand and fit her figure. Also a lot of them tend to be oddly or abnormally pretty, but I probably just think that because I'm attracted to them.

As far as behavior, probably they talk a little lower but that's not necessary. It might be in the way they look at you and talk to you, if you're a guy you could tell she's not attracted to you and if you're a girl she probably treats you a little like a guy would.

Anyway all this is just my opinion from interacting with other gays, correct me if I'm wrong!

As for myself, I dress as plainly as possible, I don't wear makeup and I don't do anything weird to my natural voice, but guys are always hitting on me and I don't know why. If a girl ever does so, it always comes out later that she's disturbed in some way. I know there has to be other gay girls out there like me, who grew up having a computer-centered life, and I made this thread to know what they've done to avoid being lonely.

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