Meeting girls! [gay] (34)

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-08-27 03:10 ID:gUJgjeES


If you all want to be hippies and ignorant, then that's fine.

But if you want to be a mature person and forward thinking then you'll see that, in the end, I'm right.


::Stan Lee Voice:: 3, your words trouble me. What does white or non-white have to do with it? For the most part, White people have civilized most of the world, brought forth advances in technology, industry, and culture. I would invite you to look at Berlin, The Hague, and Switzerland. These places are predominately white and have vastly efficient populations and a stable, serviceable infrastructure. There is employment, high education, and lower than average crime.

Juxtaposed with El Salvador, Mexico City, all of Africa, and other places where whites are in the minority. These places are plagued with crime, disease, and still believe in witchcraft and voodoo. Having sex with a virgin cures AIDS? Killing another person because he wears a different color of clothing? Homes with no doors?

You cannot deny natural science, nor can you deny these facts.

I'm sorry, 3, Please Turn In Your Costume ::end Stan Lee voice::

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