Singles Rant Thread 2 (1000)

172 Name: Mr.Feather : 2006-12-22 00:03 ID:JcQLqKJD

Hello there internet people
Quick question fer the masses.
First of all, i have horrible luck with gals and such, I'm quite shy and what not.
Now i got a new job a month ago, and soon after i started a gal started and we quickly hit it off. Im very quiet with people i dont know so i found it suprising how close we had gotten in two days. Now what got me wondering about things is that she always brings up the subject of me having a girlfriend, which i have yet to have (see shy and quiet) and why i dont have one. She is very touchy-feely and always a few inches away from me. My (overly gossipy) coworkers even thought we were goin out.
Now i suck at deciphering the gal codes (and spelling) so i cant tell if she flirty or just really nice. ALSO she has a boyfriend.
I'm moving across the country in a about a week and a half, and this weekend will most likely be the last time i see her for maybe ever with my sucky luck, so i just wonder what do you people think of the whole situation.
and yes of course, i am single in case you didnt notice.

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