Singles Rant Thread 2 (1000)

223 Name: Frigid Onanoko : 2007-01-26 11:40 ID:mRigxlt1

thanks >>222 FO like beatles too. Probably gonna suggest 'stairway to heaven' Led Zeppelin.

The real problem now is that we have never discussed our date yet or how we feel about each other even though I want to hear so dearly from Wong what the feelings are between us. Our date got locked out from conversation as if it never even happened. Talking about mere trivialities instead of this just hurts. Yesterday I realized that keeping silent on this matter was grossly unfair to the both of us and would put significant strain on our relation. We had come so close in such a short time, but as amazing as it was to me and hopefully Wong as well, I felt our hearts hiding from each other. Keeping silent about this was going to become a big wedge. It is unjust to let this go on.

So I wrote Wong a letter yesterday spending 3 hours one page, writing my soul out for the benefit of... what? What can I say about a person when we've met only for such a short period? (I'd invited Wong for coffee on campus before, it wasn't really just one day) If I am going to say the love word, can I even justify it? Isn't it really stupid to have such dreams in the first place when we're living so far from each other? And then, I don't even know if Wong reciprocates my feelings. Those were my fears, and the reason why conversation with Wong was difficult and stressing.

However, I believe that Wong deserves to know me. I may have gone a bit over the top in my letter but I tried to ensure that, whatever happens, we will have open, honest communication - or nothing. I anxiously await Wongs response.

FO, out. bye.

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