Singles Rant Thread 2 (1000)

264 Name: Orz : 2007-02-09 05:59 ID:2ZoFOE0o

Thanks alot guys. About the chocolates I was thinking of buying them from her because they are for funding a school choir trip. Also I am not really friends with her that I can ask her to tutor me, and it wouldnt make sense because most of my friends are in advanced classes. If you wondering about what happened between me and her friend was that a few months ago we had a winter ball. So I actually danced and had fun with a few girls (they didnt know me.. I have a big school) so this one girl was looking at me kinda funny. So when I sat down this one girls friend told me I should ask her out. Being the clueless person I am I thought she liked me so I asked her out. I think she said yes at the dance only to make me feel happy there, but was planning to break it off I guess after. At school I asked for her number, email, from my friend. I talked to her and she told me to stop calling her, and after got mad at my friend for giving her number away. After she told everyone I was obsessed with her. Recently I saw her again walking down the stairs.. and when I saw her I couldnt help but smile and be nice. She took it wrongly and now every time shes in the hallway with one of her friends she grabs their hands and runs away making look like im a stalker. Yeah I did have fun with her and I felt pressured to ask her out. But I only felt compelled to do it because I havent hung out with just a girl for a while so I thought experience is good. But honestly the time at that dance I was always glancing over to the girl I like know.. the one with the hershey chocolates.

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