Singles Rant Thread 2 (1000)

303 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-20 00:01 ID:oEe8E+E3

There's this girl....

Actually, she's a friend of mine and taken, by my other friend and they are really happy together, but this is my dilemma: for one thing, I can't help having feelings for her even though I only want to be her friend. And it's this thought that is just driving me nuts. Plus, I know if I let anything happen between us (which would require her leaving her bf), her ex, my CLOSE friend would feel betrayed and this could even ruin my relationship with the girl if it ended wrong. Also, meeting her and being her friend actually brought me out of a depression (lonliness?), but now has me in another one (her).


sorry, I just wanted to vent for so long and if you have any comments I guess I would consider hearing them.

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