Singles Rant Thread 2 (1000)

319 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-22 02:53 ID:3kG3I42N

>I recognize you from this channel dude

You have a case of mistaken identity then.

>Yeah I know it's because of your mind and as long as you don't change it you will not see and be able to embrace the others.

And that's precisely why I'll never change it, ever heard of defensive precautions?

>Really, why would you stick to one person who isn't much better than all the others and will never be yours

Oh you know this person? Oh you know all the others? Oh of course, you even know me, you're the best and I take your conclusions with extensive consideration. FUCK the others, there are no others, nothing but ghosts, why would I want to be with someone who is just going to die anyways? Its like necrophilia and as hot as that is, its not something I'd ever actually do, just consider for masturbational purposes, the same as all things until I rid myself of my sexuality.

>thanks only to your mind being forced in that direction by your own will?

Yeah its only my mind that has put me in the situation I'd planned for, not as if its the environment around me had anything to do with it, not as if I could ever count on it to be predictable and easily manipulated to my will, of course not. And even if I were to subscribe my will to the other team, it doesn't change a lick of shit besides make for some amusement in text form, but I can do better everywhere else.

>Have you no power over your will?

ahahahahahahahahahahahahhaahahahah wow, just wow, try to even understand what will is before even talking to me again ok

>Why stick with something when it only limits you to no good purpose?

Solitude isn't a good purpose? You're a fuckup, your opinions degrade into the bottom ranks of my considerations the more you even type. And as if sticking with it is something I can change, do you even know how powerful my will for that is? There is no way it could ever be surmounted by any amount of people across all of time all the way to eventuality. Do what I have, accept that it shall never change, nary that, embrace THAT because I'd rather perform that action on the fruits of my labors than some shitty person who I'll never care about and who interrupts my personal time.

>It's just fucking retarded.

Says the guy who doesn't understand that there is no desire, no action, not even any thinking within an individual without will and that will is the single driving force behind anything, let alone anything related to the individual (provided they're an individual and not a groupie). Fucking fool, WILL IS THE VERY SOURCE OF CONTROL OF ANYTHING, WITHOUT THE WILL TO CONTROL THERE IS NOTHING TO MAKE CONTROL HAPPEN.

>Are you trying to be a romantic or something?

Yes, with myself, because I'm the only one who'll ever subscribe to my brand of it, and fuck all if I ever get stupid enough to do such things with anyone. You want to talk about losing will and self control, that situation is what I would classify as the classic case of that.

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