Singles Rant Thread 2 (1000)

391 Name: Frigid Onanoko : 2007-04-14 00:19 ID:4kEg9J1v

>I'm gonna briefly define TG as "not identifying strongly as either male or female, or identifying strongly as both"

Frigid Onanoko not so fond of neologisms if there is perfectly ok regular word for it. Based upon above definition, lets define TG as 'confused' no? Now, gonna discern three levels of gender recognition. Have used it successfully to ascertain own gender and preference. Think you can use it too.

Level1: Your body. This very simple, you should know if you are boy or girl.
Level2: Type of partner you want. This bit more difficult. You need find out if you like to make out with girl or boy, which one better.
Level3: Type of body you want to have. You should know this too.

Level2 most important. FO believe that person can feel strong affection for both boy and girl - you can make very deep relation with either as long as you find right person. So only thing that matter is which type you prefer in your bed.
Frigid Onanoko not know if being gay or lesbian is simply fooling oneself, or something real. Must leave that to you to decide for yourself.
Anyhow, romance is just method to pave road to getting closer physically, so don't confuse it with physical love - as noble as it sound, romance is not of higher level than making love. (well, that's just what FO thinking!)
If you not really desire boy over girl - i.e. you don't know - then why not just choose for opposite sex. Going for both will make world around you very confused about you, and that probably alienate bigger group of either boys or girls from you than you will find in the transgender scene. Opposite sex is better than same sex (at least in this case) because it fit better in pleasure. (Frigid Onanoko feeling queesy writing so much about sex all of sudden!) FO really advise to narrow down your partners to just boy or just girl.

About level 3. So maybe you have boy body, but you feel you should have girl body. OK. Frigid Onanoko want to have shiny white wings, and magical powers to cause massive collateral at flick of hand. FO no have. Very sad. Have to face reality. It would be very nice. It so annoying to have to witness own limitations, but cannot change it. At same time, wanna try to love self. (This time not in erotic sense) Can you accept yourself? This maybe even more important than finding out level2 Yes, FO think level3 is nonsense. Only include it because might seem like argument for some people. But it really is not. It immature not to accept your situation and to live in dreamworld instead.

Frigid Onanoko.... believe have been respectful of people who pertain to idea of transgender and transsexual. That's what it should be at any rate, and FO hope this is true. However, Frigid Onanoko no have respect for such ideas. Those just elaborate but silly excuses to cover up being confused and not dealing properly with it. (And, can have disrespect for peoples ideas even while having respect for the people - although if would have disrespect for ALL their ideas, then no. Still, that hardly the situation here.)

Have been talking way too much again. Saying bye now!!!

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