Singles Rant Thread 2 (1000)

472 Name: 467 : 2007-06-18 05:49 ID:sFcM3xiH

Alright I gave her a call a few hours ago.

For clarification let me add a quick backstory:

My sister and one of her roommates, Hannah, were graduating from college (we all go to the same school). My sister decided to hire my band to play at the party because she wanted some good CHEAP entertainment. We played a few acoustic sets at local coffee shops and played two full shows at local clubs. We mainly play for fun but we don't mind the money we get from the shows. While playing our second or third song I saw her walk by the band and we made obvious eye contact. She smiled and waved, while I nodded and lost the beat for a second (I play drums and bass during the acoustic sets). We played two sets the first 45 minutes, the second 30 minutes set with a 15 minute break between the two. During the break, that is when we got to talking. She told me about how she is transferring to my college and is rooming with her friend from high school, who happens to be the sister of Hannah who also stayed with them in the apartment. She moved from my town and moved to Hannah's befriend her and her sister. I thought life couldn't get any better, but then this guy Greg shows up and she introduces him as her friend. I noticed the entire night Greg would hover around her but never touched unless they bumped into each other. We finished playing the second set and everything went well. As an encore we played some songs from our acoustic set for a small group of people left, she and Greg were among them. I was able to use my singing voice for "Under the Bridge" by RHCP. After that we packed up and left, and we exchanged numbers as I headed out the door.

When I called her, she told went on for like 5 minutes how good we were (she is a real chatterbox). We talked about old times and what happened after she moved away. She told me how she is moving in this Wednesday so she can start summer classes next week. I asked her if she wants to get lunch then and she happily accepted.

I guess things are going well, but I am still not sure about Greg. I still think that they are dating, but they show no signs of it, and she did introduce him as her friend. Aside from that I guess things are going well. I will let you know how Wednesday turns out.

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