Singles Rant Thread 2 (1000)

994 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-04-29 01:05 ID:0H1BFPlE


>how many happy couples can you see?

None at all. I see some deluded lovestruck couples in the honeymoon phase of their relationship who will get bored soon enough, I see people cheating on each other, I see married couples who hate each other but stay together for their children and I see people who only stay together because they're scared that they can't do anything else.

It's nice to daydream about things like love and friendship, but when it comes down to it, those things are impermanent and nothing but temporary illusions that will hurt you in the end.

It won't come to you naturally. It won't come to you if you look. You'll get into pointless relationships over and over looking for something that only exists in fairytales. And then you'll get old and you'll just settle for whatever comes you're way because that's what society expects of you. Lasting happiness cannot be found in relationships.

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