Sexmaniac girl - what should I expect.? (17)

1 Name: 電波男 : 2006-09-19 11:24 ID:Z+7w1iwy

Hi, I met a girl in an internet chatroom. We talked a lot on MSN I watched her on webcam, we exchanged voice messages.
She tells me that I'm appealing to her. And she looks good too.
So, she's a little bit crazy but I kinda like crazy girls. She told me that she's sex maniac and loves to do it all the time. I told her that I'm a virgin and I'm quite clumsy. She replied that she'll teach me. :D
She lives about 200 km away, but somehow she managed to come over to me and we'll gonna meet.
The problem is: I'm still a virgin and despite that I have my desires, I have no experience at all and don't want to go all the way to homerun on the first date.
She told me that she needs love too, otherwise she doesn't enjoy sex, but still she did it 3 times a day with her ex.
Does she expect me to fuck her? Or did she just joke about this sex-maniac stuff?
What should I expect on the date?
And if she'll eventually became my girlfriend, what about the distance between us? We'll probably can only meet once a week...

What shoud I do? What would you do in my place?

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