Trouble finding love because of my past (14)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-09-22 22:07 ID:T3edFpoe

I've discovered something that might be a liability in my search for love...

  1. I have a VERY unique name. I'm willing to bet, in fact, that I'm the only guy with my name in the entire world.
  2. I have an extensive history on the internet. I've been using it in one form or another since 1995, and before I realized that it was being logged. Once I realized it, I kind of shrugged, noticed it was way too late, and kept going.

So, the other day I got a letter from a potential - she indicated that she'd googled my name on fuck intarweb (my spelling, not hers - if she did that as a joke, I'd ask her to marry me on the spot) and came up with some interesting facts about me. I knew it was all out there, just had kind of slipped out of my mind.

So, now when I get to the point where I'm revealing my name to somebody, I kind of feel like I need to guide them on this - I just tell them "I've been fairly active on pro-pedophilia boards and have an extensive collection of cartoons depicting forced sexual situations among children."

Anybody else run into this? Anybody else do something similar?

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