What a problem (23)

1 Name: Silly girl : 2006-09-24 14:08 ID:uVpH9D7p

I'm 20 years old and after a very bad break up with a three year relationship i thought that i was done with guys.

then on my birthday i met this guy who completely swept me off my feet and 3 days after meeting him, we started dating. another mistake, we slept together in the first week...

well now, 7 months down the line, i'm still quite happy in the realtionship except for the fact that it is so easy for me to cheat on him, and it doesn't even bother me. this is wrong i can't believe that i treat him like this when he really treats me like a queen. What is wrong with me.

To make things worse i met a guy recently whom i find so interesting and now i regret being in a realtionship because i would love to get to know this other guy better.

I don't know whats becoming of me, i'm not a bad person...

Silly girl

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