What a problem (23)

6 Name: Mireille guy !2dC8hbcvNA : 2006-09-25 02:57 ID:Oxg5nJfg

It's called youth. You're not a bad person. Ask your current boyfriend to be a MAN and give you more brain-boggling sex or else you'll dump him. You have all the right to ask so. If anything, that will make you AND HIM feel better (believe me, if you say you're gonna dump him otherwise, he'll do everything to give you crazy good sex). Sometimes simply being nice is not enough, so if he cannot do that, he's simply not man enough. Instincts and evolution has made it so you look for better apt potential mates. Powerful sex can prove the mate is indeed physically healthy and strong. That's all that's going on with you. Do what you need to do and let life run its course.

>>5, Shut up and fix the girls in your little life first.

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