Just a small story (13)

3 Name: Mireille guy !2dC8hbcvNA : 2006-09-25 03:10 ID:Heaven

You've definitely had too much salt. You obviously don't know what love is and haven't read the very recent posts about love vs. obsession. You're not in love, you're developing a crush and you are in denial. If you're a man, you will ask her out, meet and court her, and disregard the fact that she's seeing sommeone else. If you're not, you will become obsessed, depressed, and squirm like what you are. You're too young and too unexperienced and that's it. My advice: you will go out on a date with her, be a man, develop stronger feelings, and as you grow into a socially mature person, learn what love is. Did I mention to learn to be creative and practice?

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