long distant relationship (35)

16 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-10-29 04:56 ID:7z5CFYUU

Copy&Paste this into next convo:

You: Hey Penny.
Penny: O hay thar swty <3
You: We need to talk.
Penny: Ahk! u HaVe My uNdivIded AttEntiOn <3
You: Well the thing is, I'm not quite sure where this relationship is headed.
Penny: wht.do.u.mean? <3
You: Well, I love you and all. I really like being with you. But it's as if there's this invisible wall dividing both of us you know?
Penny: H3h3h3h3h3, i totally get wut u mean! <3
You: Really? Like. I don't have trust issues, but this long distance thing is really testing me.
Penny: lololol i hope U pass! <3
You: Yeah, well it's just so hard when I don't know what you're doing you know. And I see pictures of you with other guys hugging.
Penny: OMG AreYouCallingMeASlut?
You: No, but I don't even have pictures of us hugging together. Just try and understand where Im coming from ok? I love you. I want to be with you. But I hate how far our love has to stretch.
Penny: wow, that"S tHe SweeTest tHing Any oNe HaS sAid 2 me. I Love U Warren, I'M gOin 2 Sleep Now. GniTe bubs. LUV u LonG tiMe <3<3

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