Seeing sex as no big deal. (9)

7 Name: The Prof : 2006-11-03 23:34 ID:F8/SoXBv

I agree! I think sex is the highest level of imtimate relatioship between two people.
Sex became only a source of pleasure nowadays and people tend to do it only for joy and forget about the emotional side.

I'm one of the few exceptions too.
I had a few chances to lose my virginity and had sexual situations, and yes it was pleasurable but deep in my heart I felt that it's not ok. So I'll wait for the one who really deserves it.
I would only wand to have sex with someone who I love and who loves me back.
I'm an emotional type of guy. Call me sicko, tell me it's unmanly, but emotions, especially love is very important to me. I just cannot imagine myself just "fucking for fun"

So, >>1, as >>5 said, just be proud of yourself that you haven't been dragged down to the "fuck for fun" level. Just stay who you are.

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