Why do girls dump nice guys and go for the jerks? (185)

104 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-12-08 16:34 ID:PbJMy0v9

or you can just give up

i mean, it sounds like she doesnt like you. if she did she would have be anxious for your calls. but no, she said she doesnt know you. she probably had some interest in you in the past but it sounded like little interest. she did invite you to events but she invited you knowing you cant make it. it makes her sleep better at night knowing she was kind of enough to invite you. but in reality she didnt want you there. not to mention you phone stalked her (yes stalked. calling her every day is stalking) and that probably creeped her out. at least now she has a name to put on that restraining order.

look your chance ended when she moved away. but rather than being a man and moved on you acted like a child and refused to accept that she was gone. you were living the illusion that you had a chance with her and obviously that is not the fact. my advice is to give up on her, take some time to focus on your needs and then try the dating pool again, except this time you will have dating book as a guide and an infinite amount of girls to chose from.

oh if she ever calls back, but i doubt she will, to apologize, go ahead and talk to her but dont expect anything out of it. she probably has trouble sleeping or needs a good laugh.

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