Why do girls dump nice guys and go for the jerks? (185)

159 Name: yellow : 2009-10-14 11:27 ID:o+Jq8RAn

Ok.. this thread is so old.
In any case, I have some ideas about this that I would like to share.
Firstly, think of the human being of the present. Now take all his/her clothes, money, tools, car, house, job, commodities, food, etc. Everything. And what do you have? A person that resembles a primitive human. All right, let's move onto the important bit.

What is the difference between the primitive man and the modern man? It is the ability to handle complex information and to coexist in complex environments with other humans and objects, as well as the ability to express ideas in many other ways other than speech and writing. Pretty much, although that was a very bland description of such difference. The modern man however still runs upon the same naturally built-in rules that the DNA and our instinct define. It is not to say that we are animals, but that people, despite being in a modernized, technological world, still have some primitive aspects to their behaviour, and everybody does it. It's just that our surroundings and our society have changed so much.

When it comes to relationships and meeting new people, why the hell do guys tend to stare at a girl's breasts or why do girls seem to like loud jerks? Firstly, it's all from what is visible. Whenever we meet people we find attractive, the very little information we have about them at the start is visual, and from that our mind elaborates ideas, feelings and goals, all done to satisfy the universal rule of evolution and the sharing of genes. To explain, boobs and curves represent fertility for guys, for girls jerks represent security and the possibility of giving strong and healthy children just like the jerk himself. It all runs upon nature and evolution, the strongest shall prevail and the weakest die off from natural selection.

But,HOWEVER, when you really get to know people, when you can see all their colors, that's when the conscientious and analytical mind in all of us kicks in and takes over our primitive nature. We of course do not run entirely by our instincts, we all think. And so the idea that everything works from our animal-like nature is only background activity in our minds, it just happens naturally, we don't really think about it. When we actually make the decision to act upon our instinct is a different story.

Ok, that was pathetic. But you know what? Having this functional/structuralist/square/whateveryouwant point of view of relationships and sex has given me the foulest of years of complete solitude. I've been too serious all my life, and I'm only fucking 20. Fuck.My.Life. What do you guys think? I think it's about time I stopped caring so pedantically and lived life like everyone else (or so i think???).

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