Video Game girl (67)

20 Name: video game boy : 2006-11-28 00:39 ID:8eo/qswI

Well, I called her today after getting out of school while walking towards main street.
At first, we pretty much just talked about random things. She asked me how school was, I had said "you know, it's school", and I told her about the hockey game and so on. She had been in the parade on thanksgiving so I asked her how that went. It was pretty much small talk. Then she told me about the newspaper job she had gotten. I asked her what she was doing right then, and she was babysitting her brother of 6 and sister of... 2 or 3 I think. So then there was a couple seconds of silence and I just said, "Hey, I was wondering, do want to catch a movie with me or something some time?" Or something like that. and she said, "Yeah, definitely." and she continued to say that she was going to be busy theis week, but she would call and say when she could go out. She seemed really excited after I asked her out. I could hear it in her voice, and that she had said yes so easily. Then she had to get off the phone. It seemed almost like she had waited to hear that question before we stopped talking. I practically started dancing when I hung up.
...Actually, I did start dancing.

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