Advice needed! Me, a flirting girl and my friend (who loves her) (13)

7 Name: frigid onanoko : 2006-12-04 11:57 ID:pMn7TlxG

FO checking the numbers... hmm. interest of your friend, versus interest of girl and interest of you: 2vs1.

hm.. checking value of interests: current interest of you and current interest of girl against pretty outdated dream of friend.

For as much as you allow random anonymous people to influence your decision: Please don't let your friend stand in the way! FO think you only make things more difficult when starting to involve him in decision.

Anyway... are u ready for a relationship? I think you are. More importantly, do you like her too? probably yes.

I think answer is a big...

frigid onanoko say goodbye now!

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