Empty (18)

8 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-12-03 02:53 ID:iXvtvje1

So what's missing in your life? A significant other? Did you lose a family member? Were you abandoned by your friends? Did your pet die? Did you recently abandon a hobby of yours?

Basically, what I get out of this is that your hole, let's just say that it IS a significant other, this being the the Love/Romance board, and this hole will be square shaped. Now, you try to occupy your time with drawing, or skiing, or watching your favorite movies, but these are all circle shaped activities. Now, as you may have learned when you were about 2 or 3 years old, you can't put the circle shaped blocks into the sqare shaped hole. The only thing that'll fit in the square shaped hole, is a square shaped block, which is a significant other.

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