I have a crush... on my teacher (80)

17 Name: Front Row Guy : 2006-12-15 19:44 ID:UDMLtKyl

I know I should stop this discussion to this, but why are you drawing pedophilia in it? It has nothing to do with this when it's about two adults (legally, guess I'm not mentally adult...).

And no, if you somehow got it like we're madly in love with each other, you got it all wrong. Originally it was about should I make a move. I have no idea about her feelings.
There is always people who oppose something. Be it relationships or forest cutting or anything, you can't make everyone happy.

I understood you. In your opinion I should call it quits, and go for a journey to find girl more near my age group. I agree with you that it might be a little bit easier.
But her job seems to be the problem here, huh? If she would be kindergarten teacher, it would be fine an all, 'cos I would not be there?

And I'm sorry if I write everything as I would refuse all you say to me. It just happens to be my nature to question everything by "why-not"s. I admit I sometimes get attracted quite easily, and that it usually becomes only a burden. Maybe it's like that also in here T_T

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