I have a crush... on my teacher (80)

54 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-01-11 21:38 ID:azl4V3Vj

Just go for it man. Forget what these people are saying. Ok there is an age difference AND the teacher student thing HOWEVER he is about to graduate. There is a teacher at my school who was asked (I live in the south at a private Christian school so I think this would be the best example) by a student on a date in his senior year and they actually went out for a bit after he graduated (she was about 28-29 I believe). People didn't really care about it and no one holds it against her or anything even though it's known. This is a PRIVATE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL where the administration would pretty much kick a teacher out for anything they found "inappropriate" so I think you are safe. I really wouldn't worry about it just go for it. Worst case it doesnt' work out and you are out of school forever in a few months, nothing to worry about.

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