Flirty girlfriend, i trust her but it hurts anyway. (47)

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-01-07 23:44 ID:Heaven

Wow, that sounds like the opposite of me. My longdistance boyfriend can't imagining having any romantical feelings for others, while as I frequently do, but just not in the love kind of way (i.e. just infatuation). Flirting is fun because for me it's a no strings attached compliment to others, and I frequently comment to my boyfriend about how cute x or y is. The difference and main reason for why he doesn't feel threatened or worried, I think, is because he does know that I do love him from the bottom of my heart, and that even though I do find plenty of others attractive, there's nobody who could top my attraction to him (as it's not just look-based, but also heavily personality based). My raving about people's cuteness and good looks/fun personality doesn't excluse his, so he frequently gets both verbal and behavior confirmation of that I love him from the bottom of my heart (as opposed to casual infatuations), as well as that I find him just as attractive as every one of the others I feel attracted to, and a great deal more than that...

Why do you feel that her not ceasing to notice that others are attractive is a threat? That it's a sign of that you aren't enough? Isn't it a greater compliment that she very much is aware of that others are attractive, but choose to be with you instead of anyone else?

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