In need of some advice... (7)

1 Name: anonymous : 2007-01-09 11:23 ID:6/tXG6U3

k theres this girl who likes me, we'll call her Amy, but I don't have any interest in a relationship with her or anyone else for that matter. This has happened a couple of times in the past and I have usually just ignored their signals and left it at that.

But this time is a bit more complicated. For one I like Amy as a friend (sounds cliché I know). Second, one of our mutual friends, we'll call her Sophie, seems to be under the illusion that I feel the same way for Amy as Amy does for me and has approached me about it. I wasn't expecting to be approached so directly like that so I ended up just BSing through the convo with non-committal neutral answers to her questions.

A little extra info; I'm 20 and we're all in the same university class. I'm worried that approaching Amy about it will ruin our friendship and/or create awkwardness since we're in the same classes for the next 3 years :/ So any advice?

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