geek makeover, long story, :( please help (58)

18 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-01-15 08:14 ID:1D0bz80z


I'm not a fan of that style but it's a style that you really can't go wrong with.

My suggestion (as a girl) is that you take her somewhere vaguely fun. Not just the generic type of date, if you know what I mean. I was taken to one of the Japanese Gardens and I thought it was going to be boring. But the end we started to go off course and hide out in the bamboo's. We ended up getting locked in till quite late since there was a moat. x__x

It was thrilling. x3 Dates with such fun experiences are really cute. They make up the sweetest memories.

I guess what I'm trying to say is.. you really shouldn't worry too much about the date. I mean finding a restaurant or a place to go. It's more of what you make of the experience.

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