Gay culture. (19)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-01-22 01:51 ID:Y3t6tMNL

Alright kids. I'm a 20 year old lesbian that's spent a lot of time shying away from gay culture. I went to an arts school in highschool and was doused with enough of it unwillingly to make me never want to actively involve myself in it. I didn't really have to, either. Gay relationships weren't that odd in my school so it was perfectly okay to ask a girl out.

Problem is that I'm not an artist so I went to a normal university where the gay population is unspoken out of the GSA. I don't really want to be -that- kind of lesbian that wears rainbow bracelets and pins and goes to all the meetings and shouts it from the rooftops, but I haven't had a girlfriend in three years and right now it'd be kind of nice.

Any advice on how a lesbian puts herself out there without becoming GaY pRyDe DyKe GrRrl~~?

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