Her past sexlife... (84)

1 Name: OPer : 2007-02-16 14:41 ID:4u/9bDLj

Hey guys and girls,

I have a girlfriend and I suppose we are about ready to have sex, but to be honest something is bothering me, especially when we are NOT together (when we are I tend to forget about it). Basically, I'm still a virgin, because I haven't had many chances yet and to be honest I never wanted to have sex (especially not the first time) with a girl I didn't love.

She on the other hand, is quite different. She hasn't been sexually active for that long yet, but in the time that she has been, she has had sex with a number of guys (I'm not going to give exact numbers, some might consider it lots, others will think it's barely something... but in my circles (geeks) it's definitely considered more then average). I think some of these guys have been her boyfriend, but I think most of them have been casual sex (one-night stands too) and fuckbuddies (I know she had one right before me). Those last two things bother me much more then the fact that she has had sex with other guys.

I know she loves me and I very much doubt she would cheat on me, but it still bothers me that in her past sex has been something she did it with guys just for fun, while I've been holding out until I met the right girl.

To complicated matters somewhat, she also is quite active online and there is lots of info to be found on her past sexlife. I somehow can't restrain myself from looking at this, although I know it will probably just hurt my feelings and it makes me feel like a stalker. I think she is aware of the fact that I know this info is on the web, I don't think she realizes how much I really know. I did find anonymous stuff about me posted by her, which I simply recognized because of the facts in it and way it was written. Also, in our conversations about sex she has said she had boyfriends before me, but she hasn’t mentioned the casual sex at all (something I don’t hold against her btw).

I doubt all this will make me nervous when we are going to have sex because I don't think about it when I'm with her (I love her), so that's not a problem, but it is annoying me when we are not together and I think about her (which is most of the time).

Any advice / suggestions? (I guess I also wrote this because sometimes it's just nice to write things down)

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-16 14:54 ID:Heaven

1) Get her checked for STDs.
2) If the girl really matters to you, you two will learn to get over the fact that you two treated your sexualities differently in the past. Protip: This is NOT the only difference between you two (you two being different individuals, with different pasts and upbringings and etc). If you can't handle this, then you two sure as heck won't be able to handle any other differences.

Don't interrogate her, but you two need to convey what associations you have to your sex-lives. What many different things do you feel sex is connected to? Get used to this. You and any partner of yours are not mental clones. You two have different connotations and associations, because of different reasons. Learn why and how, instead of being ignorant toward each other, as the latter will only create a wider and wider rift in any relationship.

3 Name: Girl2 : 2007-02-16 15:09 ID:CxlVMqpz

So she has had sex. and fuck buddies etc. in the real world thats fine. thats normal. its actualyl pretty great. and you know what she probably enjoyed it.

i have had a few non sexually active boyfriends and tbh it kinda freaked me out because i know whta i am like sexuall andi know what i want. and they know... nothing.

i feel (personally) that waiting till its love etc etc is a pretty outdated idea. sure its llovely but its also outdated. and mainly a girl thing. so when i meet a guy my age who hasnt had sex, i am frankly a bit worried. its not the norm.

anyway thats my two cents worth

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-16 17:46 ID:Heaven

Around what age is it abnormal for a male to be a virgin, in your opinion? D:

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-16 17:50 ID:Heaven

Fuck "abnormal"/"normal". Don't be a bloody sheep. You don't have to be "just like everyone else". If you're not ready for it, you're not. Not having had sex doesn't make you less worth, just less experienced in that field, and that field alone.

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-16 18:21 ID:r5UZMD7L

You're revolting.

Unless you're up for some future heartbreak and possibly inreperable emotional damage, back out now. Find yourself a nice girl; a virgin or someone who's been betrayed but has never betrayed, someone who has only tried for lifelong commitment but was let down. Go fix a heart instead of ruining your own.

7 Name: OPer : 2007-02-16 18:43 ID:4u/9bDLj

Hmm, do you think that is very likely to happen? The worst I can see happening is the relationship not working out, something that can happen with any girl, so I don't see why I should break up already. I love her and any future heartbreak is a risk I'm willing to take. It's just my somewhat obsessive thoughts about her past that bothers me, I just think about it too often.

I know my girlfriend doesn't see me as just another fuckbuddy. I was somewhat worried about her intentions before and tbh it's the reason why I've waited until now, I think if I hadn't known about her past we would have had sex by now. And if she was interested in just sex she probably would have dumped me by now and found some other guy.

8 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-16 19:00 ID:Heaven

be happy you even have a g/f and stop complaining. theres alot of us here who would love to be in your shoes right now.

9 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-16 20:10 ID:r5UZMD7L


>>The worst I can see happening is the relationship not working out

Yeah, exactly, and you're all calm and alright with that now because you're longing to do her, but you won't be calm and alright about it if it happens. I can tell from what you're writing, an experience like that holds the potential to fuck you up. You are better of with a "nice" girl.

And yes I think that is very likely to happen. I understand she isn't interested in sex only, and she's capable of holding back now when her emotional cravings are fed by her affections, but you should never rely on those in ANY person. Look at how people are when they are not in love instead and you know what you'll go back to later. Her past gives away your future. It's a fact it's like this, a temporary spur of emotions doesn't change a human being, it only lets her down when she lands. And trust me she will, we all do.

10 Name: OPer : 2007-02-16 20:20 ID:4u/9bDLj


Maybe you are right, maybe not. Personal experience for you may not hold true for everyone. But I guess if this thread has proven anything to me is that I definitely don't want to break up with her, even if her past does bother me (although it shouldn't), now that I think about it. And about her past giving away her future, all it tells me right now is that she likes sex (I don't mind that), not necessarily that she will go for another guy quickly. Although maybe I'm just in denial :P

11 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-16 21:01 ID:r5UZMD7L


>>Personal experience for you may not hold true for everyone.

Oh but they do. I might be wrong, but if I am it's not because I'm wrong, it's because I misjudged either you or her. I might have done that, and in that case enjoy your girlfriend.

>>Although maybe I'm just in denial :P

Yes you are. And people fucking a lot of people a lot and being open about it doesn't give away a liking to sex, it gives away a tasteless demeanor anchored in die-hard immorality. It's cool with people who like sex but don't shove their habits in everyones faces, sex is supposed to be a private thing, any other way it turn shit sour.

Her past should bother you, stop being a hypocrite about your real thoughts so you can appease this thing you're becoming, just to promote smooth interaction with the object of your affections. You know it should bother you and you know why. Don't be a fucking cunt.

I might just have a false image of you too, but I hope I don't. If I do however just fuck her already and get it over with. See how far you can take your old-fashion sexual fantasies with her. And if this one fails, just open up a new session of grand sex-play, aka relationship with someone else.

12 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-16 23:34 ID:QpugRoYc

That’s the thing you see

Most 25 years old guys average 5 fuck partners max
Most 25 years old gals average 15 to 20 fuck partners

It means 2 things:

1 - Some guys out there are very lucky...
2 - We need to accept this (not necessary like it)

13 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-16 23:52 ID:jNnhxg0X

Man, most women are more of a whore than us guys if what you say hold some truth.

14 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-17 01:43 ID:OzRbARCi


Well many guys here would like to be sex stars...
We just can't right ?

Girls, even the ugliest will always find someone to fuck them.
Can we say the same ?

15 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-17 01:56 ID:I+FylM1Q

From her numerous sexual encounters, I can't really see her settling and having a long term relationship with a virgin. The fact that she's had fuckbuddies suggest that she has a large appetite and thinks that sex is "just sex". Hence if she can't be sexually satisfied, there's no guarantee she won't cheat on you with this mindset.

On the other hand, her sexual past may make you inclined to experiment with other partners yourself, whether it be for revenge, jealousy, curiosity or fulfillment.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but I just can't see this relationship working out long term. Especially if you value your virginity.

16 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-17 02:34 ID:r5UZMD7L


Everytime I read/hear shit like that I think of a certain girl and feel really bad/get pissed off. Guess she knew she could not handle a binding relationship with a "good guy", so she cut me loose, yet I know she won't take a vow of celibacy. Sooner or later she'll be out there, fucking other guys. I respect her for the honesty and the kind gesture, but it still frustrates me beyond words that we never got a chance to even try. I just know that if I had come to her like a whore instead she would have taken me for the fucking, I hate knowing that.

OPer. It's heartache either way. If you don't try you'll always think: what if. Better to have loved and lost than never loved at all, I suppose.

17 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-17 07:55 ID:Heaven

>someone who's been betrayed but has never betrayed, someone who has only tried for lifelong commitment but was let down

Uho! Inferiority complex ahoy! The need for women with low expectations... That doesn't bode well for you. Please mature, >>6-san. (And no, maturity has nothing to do with sex).

>Her past gives away your future.

Downright false. Her past INDICATES a possible future. However, I know plenty of people, men and women alike, who had similar pasts to OP's gf and then later happily settled with partner. People grow, people change. Small changes, big changes - time affects everyone.

>Hence if she can't be sexually satisfied, there's no guarantee she won't cheat on you with this mindset.

This is why OP needs to clearly discuss such rules for the relationship with her, and be aware of that rules don't have to be cast in stone, though it's perfectly okay to demand certain rules be perpetually followed for the relationship to still be valid (also, make sure about what constitutes as cheating, different people have different ideas - some consider casual no-strings attached flirting cheating, some don't consider anything below sex cheating). Perhaps the two partners will grow apart later, perhaps not. It's important to try to not take a possible fall-out too personally.
Also, if both partners are openminded and exerimental, and don't have some sort of retarded "pride" in bed ("Oh noes! I didn't perform perfectly! That must mean I've shamed myself! Shame shame shame! Now I must behave oddly and distanciate myself!"), there shouldn't be a problem with anyone being satisfied. Casual sex is casual sex: It's fun, but really awesome sex comes from being with someone that actually means more, that makes your mind tingle with happiness and love. That kind of sex is a lot more worth than "just" sex.
Also: Sex is fun, and so it's important to be able to laugh in bed. If something doesn't go as planned, be amused at it, and don't let that stop you two from being happy.

I second >>16's >Better to have loved and lost than never loved at all.
It's painful when you lose people, but it's a learning experience. Treasure the good moments, learn from the bad.

18 Name: Nibbles : 2007-02-17 16:24 ID:xf+KKo16

I would use her dude, obviously she uses other guys so why would you be any different, and if you do the same and she leaves you for another guy and says she only wanted sex then you can say the same, girls love to leave a relationship being the innocent one or the one who takes all the glory, well deny her that.

19 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-17 16:36 ID:Heaven


>>Uho! Inferiority complex ahoy! The need for women with low expectations... That doesn't bode well for you. Please mature, >>6-san. (And no, maturity has nothing to do with sex).

What makes you so sure it has something to do with inferiority complex? I know sex goes bad if you're intimidated by your partner, wether it's your first time or if you've nailed a lesser country worth of chicks. 95% of the performance lies in our mentality.

I'm not scared of people with sexual experience, it just disgusts me that someone will form their relationship with me based on prior relationships, and not a clean ground from what we will build together. I guess it's possible to completely reset if you are crazy enough about someone new, but most often people carry shadows of their old relationships with them into the next. I guess I could trust that love will overcome, but I don't. I don't trust you motherfuckers, you're all rotten to the core, permanently damaged goods. It will just cause a lot of stupid shit and perhaps a total breakdown of the relationship, just because I would have to battle all the girls previous boyfriends that she brought with her for the fucking ride. She will project their retardedness on me, I will be judged by their standard, all the damage they have caused her, I'll have to piece together. She won't let go, people never do, they just let their ghosts eat them alive.

They will become prozac-munchers, they will get pissed, irritable and depressed for no reasons related to you, something alright you do will push an invisible button and start a fucking shitstorm. We call it personality and character.

>>Downright false. Her past INDICATES a possible future. However, I know plenty of people, men and women alike, who had similar pasts to OP's gf and then later happily settled with partner. People grow, people change. Small changes, big changes - time affects everyone.

No, it's the masks people stick in your face to hide their shame that is downright false. Sit there, ignorant motherfucker, and watch as they crumble one by one. People rather change their image than actually changing themselves, but the image can't hold back the shit within them forever, it starts leaking, first to the closest, the spouse, the children, then friends will start notice the signs, unless this motherfucker is particularly good at hiding it. If so it will come like a lightning from clear sky. "WTF, she cheated on her husband? SHE???" "He killed himself!? HE did??? Why??"

The people who are "alright" are the ones who somehow manage to mold their shit into something tolerable, but they are, in the end, few. Everyone breaks down, relationships never last, thats why they only lasted when it was forbidden and/or massively frowned upon to break them. And those that still lasts, except a very few, are miserable.

Don't sit there thinking you know how shit plays, looking at peoples masks, the roles they play, it's just make believe.

20 Name: Nibbles : 2007-02-17 18:01 ID:xf+KKo16

>>19 Too True.

21 Name: Frigid Onanoko : 2007-02-17 19:12 ID:w1c0zh5V


>Most 25 years old guys average 5 fuck partners max
>most 25 years old gals average 15 to 20 fuck partners

FO not a great star at maths, but thinks this is bit queer.
Maybe number of 'most' 25 year old guys = 3 to 4 times number of 'most' 25 years old gals?

Assuming approximately 50/50 distribution of male/female population of course. Seems like weird perspective on girls...

22 Name: Nibbles : 2007-02-17 19:15 ID:xf+KKo16

>>21 Agrees, most of my guy friends have been with well over 30 girls and they are just over 18.

23 Name: Nibbles : 2007-02-17 19:18 ID:xf+KKo16

>>22 I myself have only been with 9, and I just turned 18.

24 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-17 21:22 ID:Heaven

>and not a clean ground from what we will build together.
>but most often people carry shadows of their old relationships with them into the next.

You're either awfully naive or awfully ignorant. Everybody have relationships they consider when thinking of their own, even if that's their first one. The relationships of family, friends, fictional characters, everything else. A virgin will not be some clean slate, she can be horribly ignorant about sex, both in theory and practice, but she will still have a fuckload of preconceived ideas about how relationships are supposed to be.

>unless this motherfucker is particularly good at hiding it.

It's one thing to wear a poker-face during a game, it's something completely different to flawlessly almost constantly act as if a certain thing or a thousand doesn't exist, during your daily life. There will be cracks in your mask, and for most of the people who aren't professionally trained there will be tons of cracks. Some of us tend to notice and pay attention to small details. I don't know about most people, but I usually don't have problems seeing through masks of people I get to know around me. Some of my friends get annoyed from time to time at my habit of noticing things they'd rather pretend didn't exist or happen.

25 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-17 23:33 ID:VN4NALm0


>>You're either awfully naive or awfully ignorant.........

Oh ffs!
Real experiences have a much bigger impact because they relate to us in a different way than imagination and theory.

One of the things I've stated, either in this thread or anotherone, is exactly that; preconcieved ideas about both relationships and sex affects how we enter and entertain these things even before our first experience.

But still, being affected by theory it's not the same thing as having been impaired by past experiences. It's not the same thing to look at something unfelt and think about how you want to act in accordance to this, as being moved into acting a sertain way as by instinct, because it has crawled into your spine thanks to something experienced.

>>It's one thing to wear a poker-face during a game, it's something completely different to flawlessly almost constantly act as if a certain thing or a thousand doesn't exist, during your daily life.........

Well if you're so attentive then you should know what I'm talking about. Besides, I never claimed peoples faqades are flawless, I claimed that what they put on display make them percievable as a functional human being. We all have apparant flaws, we all get our bouts of depression, we have ups and downs. A cronically depressed person have ups and downs, a suicidal person have good days with sunny side up, sexual abuse-victims may love sex and mass-murderers can be adorable persons. A relationship that is hitting rock bottom can have great days when mom and dad are happy and the whole family go visit a zoo or something, but then the next day they have a horrible fight which becomes the final straw. It's not the ups and downs that is the state of our lifes, it's the summary of it all that is, and it's the summary that will eventually take one of those peaks of misery and turn it into an excuse to end things.

You don't see a persons summary of things, you see the ups and downs, thats the things you notice and talk about, and when you've talked out about one of these issues the comforting pal will feel like she has solved her friends problems, but the friend will be heavy at heart behind that smiling face, knowing they have only touched the tip of the iceberg. It's still there, and one day it will end things.

So I won't draw everyone over the same line, there are people who turn out ok, but as for most, they keep getting worn down, and shit ends. You sit there and praise your friends and their relationships. I'm telling you for sure, they will crumble one by one, they will cheat, lie, turn into perverts, they will fight, drink their brains out, do drugs, beat their children and beat eachother. Even if they somehow stick together it will be like they are enemies, and they will have their shit each in their own corner, and their kids will grow up ruined.

Not all, but I say almost everyone.

26 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-18 05:48 ID:Heaven


>This is why OP needs to clearly discuss such rules for the relationship with her..

Okay, setting a rule about "cheating" sounds way too foreign. I mean, isn't that a given? You don't have to state it in words, the respect and trust should be there.

"Oh, I didn't know what you constituted as cheating, so I thought it'd be okay to bonk your friend here. But don’t worry, it’s just sex, you’re the one I love…really."

27 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-18 06:01 ID:Heaven


We have a name for those types of people..and it's not stud.

28 Name: Nibbles : 2007-02-18 13:25 ID:xf+KKo16

>>27 Oh you got me all wrong mate, I only have sex with women that I care alot for, I dont just go out and hump every girl I see, Im no man whore, all the girls ive had sex with I'm still friends with.

29 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-18 17:28 ID:rX2s8Led

I don't give a fuck if it's socially acceptable to have sex just for the enjoyment. Fuck buddies, one night stands, I am not for that shit, even if the people on MTV think it's alright. Sex is the most intimate you can get in a relationship. A girl opening her legs just for enjoyment doesn't settle well with me, and it never will. If you don't agree with me, that's fine, but actually no, fuck you. Fuck the world that makes these people into believing that if they are not sticking their dick in a girl at every chance they get, it cheapens their worth. And just so you people know, there ARE girls/guys out there that share those same believes. Not everyone in those world whores themselves out just for a night so they can feel good about themselves. There's a reason a lot of people that do this have fucking personal issues.

And that's my two cents. Take it for what you want. You can flame me, laugh at me, call me a fag, I don't care. I'm not here to fit in, and I never will be, I just wanted to get that off my chest.

30 Name: Nibbles : 2007-02-18 18:09 ID:xf+KKo16

>>29 MTV? Who said anything about MTV? Sex is enjoyment, if god didnt want us to enjoy sex he wouldn't have made it feel good he would have made it painful, its one of the most wonderful things on earth and I enjoy it as often as possible, if you don't agree, then dont have sex, miss out, more for me and everyone else.

31 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-18 19:01 ID:rX2s8Led

Not that I agree 100% with >>29 but if you are going to bring God into this, according to the bible you're not supposed to have sex until marriage. I agree with most of what he is saying except he came off like a total asshole.

32 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-18 19:10 ID:Heaven

I would have laughed at you if you would have had double-standards.

>Fuck the world that makes these people into believing that if they are not sticking their dick in a girl at every chance they get, it cheapens their worth.

I quite agree with this piece, I'm annoyed at the large amount of virgins whining about still being virgins, as if it makes them any less worth, regardless of their gender. I can see why they usually do it, but that doesn't really make it less annoying, just sad.


>she has solved her friends problems,

That on the other hand is laughable. I know very well that problems won't go away after some casual small-talk. Some things can take years or even decades to get over, some things will never fully be processed.
Regarding how a brief glance or casual chat won't tell you how a person is really doing: Yes, Captain Obvious (though I understand that it's not obvious for everyone). One of my aquaintances, he was sitting and telling jokes at his parents' home, seemingly being in very good spirits, right before walking home to his place and trying to kill himself (though he was fortunately found thanks to a surprise visit). Another aquaintance (a friend of a friend) almost managed to kill herself after having been doing very well for a few weeks. It's not rare for people who finally decided to kill themselves to be in a very good mood, feeling as if a great weight has been lifted off their shoulders.
A friend of mine had his life royally fucked up thanks to his parents unhealthy need to keep up the appearances of a "perfect" family no matter what. (Incidentally, his parents were both virgins, and the mother at least was a virgin: being raised by highly christian parents tends to do that). He's doing a lot better now, but you could talk with him for weeks, months and years without grasping quite what he's gone through, especially as he only mentions anthing about it to two people in his life. I dislike the sick need of keeping masks too many have, even though I dislike the attention-whoring with a lot of personal details too many seem to do nowadays as well.

>sexual abuse-victims may love sex

This isn't rare, if you weren't already aware of that. For instance a friend of a friend, after having been sexually abused from the age of five by her older brother, for over a decade, has difficulties grasping that her worth as a person isn't about how well she can physically please people, and she really loves sex and sexual pleasure because of the satisfaction of having it confirm her worth and "safe" world-view.

>It's not the ups and downs that is the state of our lifes, it's the summary of it all that is,

I agree with this, and I foolishly thought it was obvious to the average human. Or perhaps we're thinking of it in slightly different ways?
I'm fond of having "odd" conversations with people, discussing life, the universe and everything even with people I've only just met. What their past was like, their experiences, values, the dreams they have and had, and the plans they've decided to follow with what.. I'm very well aware of that people aren't going to blurt out everything and not tell a single lie, but catching people off-guard sometimes intrigues them enough to actually to not hold back too much, especially if they don't have anything to lose. (And obviously sometimes they make a lot of bullshit up because they're curious about what that'll result in - that's usually rather entertaining.)
I'm not going to bother them if they're not interested in talking about personal things either (not that it's usually the first type of stuff I talk about), there are plenty of other stuff to talk about or do, if they are interested in interacting with me.

33 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-18 19:10 ID:Heaven


>and it's the summary that will eventually take one of those peaks of misery and turn it into an excuse to end things.

I disagree with this. Just because shit happened in the past doesn't mean it automatically has to snowball on you.

>Not all, but I say almost everyone.

I obviously disagree with this. I have no problems admitting that a lot of people are too jaded and hurt from having too many crap relationships, but I disagree with that almost everyone is like that. In my opinion there are plenty of other factors that matter just as much for how someone's life'l be, that's unrelated to whether or not they've had sex/a relationship before a longterm/life-long one.

>I'm telling you for sure, they will crumble one by one, they will cheat, lie, turn into perverts, they will fight, drink their brains out, do drugs, beat their children and beat eachother. Even if they somehow stick together it will be like they are enemies, and they will have their shit each in their own corner, and their kids will grow up ruined.

...If you're arguing that this won't happen to people who haven't been in relationships before.. I'm going to have to be rather baffled and wonder how on Earth you manage to keep that world-view.
I've both directly and indirectly seen serious longterm relationships like that turn awful. (obviously not just that, though, the same way I've seen plenty of happy longterm relationship that involved people who had dated/had sex with others before.)

34 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-18 19:17 ID:Heaven

>>31 He did come off as an asshole but "God" doesn't have to be about the Bible. He probably meant that God though.
However there are plenty of other things that we'd frown at today in the Bible. Concubines for instance, or having to marrying the widow of your brother, diet-related items and so on.

35 Name: Nibbles : 2007-02-18 19:48 ID:xf+KKo16

>>31 Theres no where in the bible that says anything about sex before marriage, Adam and Eve weren't married yet they had sex and god didn't seem to have any beef with that. The problem with people these days is they think religion is the answer to everything, there isn't a single religion in this world that is correct, marriage is a term brought up by man. God gave us free will for a reason, Im not saying its ok to go out and whore yourself that is morally wrong, but if its your choice, then so be it, who are we to judge people for their different lifestyle, im sure they would look at you the same saying your way of life is wrong just because its different from what your use to its automatically wrong in your eyes.

36 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-18 20:06 ID:jNnhxg0X

HA, Religion the answer? I find that more people disreagard their own religion nowadays, People only say they are religous when they have already done many things that would make a real christian scream.

Either way, I have something to say about sex and virgins.

SEX IS WHAT YOU MAKE OF IT. Whether you think it's just enjoyment, or you think it's something more. It's what you make of it. No one is more right or more wrong than the other. So If you think sex is something more than just enjoyment, you should find someone that has that same belief. If you think it's just enjoyment, do the same.

thats my 2 pennies.

37 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-18 23:34 ID:Heaven


>>That on the other hand is laughable. I know very well that problems won't go away...

I wasn't talking about you but people at large, I'm always talking of people at large, disregarding the exceptions because in the big picture they do not matter. Besides that I'm glad we have an understanding and you know, if people don't realize the point of not soiling yourself with sexual impressions, both mentally and physically, it's worth precisely nothing. I'm not saying this isolated issue is the answer to things, I'm saying it's part of an answer. As with your conservative christian couple-example.I'm sure they didn't know why and probably weren't very chaste at heart. If you're to do something you must do it fully, or you will just feel worse from being a hypocrite.

>>This isn't rare, if you weren't already aware of that....


>>I agree with this, and I foolishly thought it was obvious to the average human. Or perhaps we're thinking of it in slightly different ways?

Yeah so now you know I'm not pulling shit out of my hat and no it's not obvious to every human being and yes I suppose that makes you foolish and naive. You seem intelligent, in an intellectual kind of way, not all people are gifted that way. On the other hand you seem fucking ignorant about other things. Trying to imply humanity is less than rotten. Why do you even bother?

>>I disagree with this. Just because shit happened in the past doesn't mean it automatically has to snowball on you.

Look I'm big enough to know there are no rules but generally it is like this. With every new punch we sustain we get worn out, we realize the reasons and become aware of their ever presence, therefore our hope/patience grows thin and we become less able to tackle them, eventually we give up.

I know however that some people... Let's just take an example here of how it also might work so you understand I'm not ignorant. Some people instead grow resilient to the punches and meet them with indifference instead. You'll come across this relationship where the partners are bashing away at eachother like it's a motherfucking war going on, and when they are done everything returns to "normal", and this is how it goes on. They just become less fiery about their spats as the years progress and at old age they sit at the breakfast table, casually swearing at and insulting eachother before they go about their personal hobbies. Having gotten used not to be in eachothers faces too much.

People learn how to live with a miserable situation, it may also work that way. But I say thats not good enough, because the shit they carry with them through their acceptance spread over to others. The problems multiplies, and there is always only a lesser amount of people being able to contain and work away the shit that has been passed unto them, resulting in an ever growing, overall shittyness.

38 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-18 23:35 ID:Heaven

>>factors that matter just as much for how someone's life'l be, that's unrelated to whether or not they've had sex/a relationship before a longterm/life-long one.

Yeah sure but I'm sort of not only speaking about sex and sexual relationships now. The second I went on my 'the world suxx'-rant I went to include precisely everything, because everything matters when it comes to this. Everything matters to a relationship and our relationships matter to everything. That is why emotional baggage from past relationships isn't the only answer. However it's admittable that our sexual relationships are extremely influential to our lifes at large, thus also the people we interact with.

>>...If you're arguing that this won't happen to people who haven't been in relationships before....

Seriously, excuse me, but I never fucking did that in the first place? Just because I'm arguing a point doesn't mean I think it's the universal solution for everything, ignoring that other factors also plays in. Do I seem like a moron to you or what?

>>I've both directly and indirectly seen serious longterm relationships like that turn awful. (obviously not just that, though, the same way I've seen plenty of happy longterm relationship that involved people who had dated/had sex with others before.)

Yeah fine. But you know, here were I live we have an evangelic church. I'm not saying these people are on the top of the world, smiling happy year in year out, but at least they have the same level of satisfaction as the surrounding people. The difference being however, they don't divorce. In my country over 50% of all marriages ends, and the reason that figure isn't higher is because we still have a lot of people from the old school hanging around in the statistics. If we look at the younger generations only, the figures are much higher. However, these churchpeople at least stay together at an amazing rate, compared to the others. They also believe there should be no sex before marriage and that a liberal outlook on sexuality is wrong.

It's not a coincidence their relationships survive at a greater rate. And I can speak for them and say that their relationships aren't shit, even if some of them are kept together through the tabu implications surrounding a divorce. But still, non-christians aren't crazy about admitting defeat either.

39 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-19 07:27 ID:Heaven

>>Do I seem like a moron to you or what?

Bitter, not moron. Bitter to the point where it might cloud your judgement.
'the world suxx'-rant is helped make it seemed like that.

I've seen several people get their lives destroyed by the taboo of divorce, which is why feel strongly about that still being married isn't any kind of indicator of how good their relationship is, especially in combination with what you yourself also said about people wearing masks. I'm all for people learning to handle how do overcome their relationship problems, too many do give up too easily. However there are also people who realize that they did do mistakes committing to that relationship because they didn't know themselves well enough. I don't mean they shouldn't have to take the consequences of making mistakes (we all have to), just that locking themselves in a situation that only will cause more and more damage is an as bad move as jumping from person to person, using people like toys. Especially if children are involved.

But yeah, the long, convoluted series of posts of mine was a reaction to the impression that you seemed so bitter that you might seriously think that (crudely expressed in pseudomath) virginty = auto-win marriage + happy-ever-after
when there are a lot of factors that matter a great deal more than virginity alone for the outcome of a marriage/longterm relationship.

40 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-19 07:35 ID:I+FylM1Q

Actually sex is for reproduction.

Contraception is a human invention.

Anyway, I have to agree with >>29 on this one. I might seem like a hopeless romantic, but in the name of Love, leave something that is holy. Relationships, let alone marriages, seem to be worth piss nowadays. Sex to me is still something that measures how much I value someone.

41 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-19 08:06 ID:Heaven

Different people value things differently?

42 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-19 09:07 ID:Heaven

Every day is Valentines Day.

43 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-19 09:10 ID:Heaven

O_o;;; I think you want another thread, mate.
Or was that your odd way of 42GET?

44 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-19 18:33 ID:mo/zli/c

It also makes you less disgusting.

>And if she was interested in just sex she probably would have dumped me by now and found some other guy.

How is it that you know she doesn't fuck guys on the side?
Ill fix this
1)some people are whores, others aren't averages mean nothing
2)no one should be with anyone, especially not with some fuck-around, let them go fuck around, forget them, and spit at them if they so much as look at you


>Uho! Inferiority complex ahoy! The need for women with low expectations... That doesn't bode well for you. Please mature, >>6-san. (And no, maturity has nothing to do with sex).

OH fuck YOUR shit, what if it is more about making someone happy who deserves it rather than serving your own petty irrational desires that'll only lead you down a road of haha, wonderful things, talk more about maturity as if you even know what it is.

>Casual sex is casual sex: It's fun, but really awesome sex comes from being with someone that actually means more, that makes your mind tingle with happiness and love.

You forgot about the part that those two types are mutually exclusive. Well, of course idiots not being considered in this equation, but then again, since only idiots have sex I'd have to say that tis a given here.

I think I love you.

Now if only whores knew that, but no whore should look for a relationship anyway.
Enjoy your syphilis

>I disagree with this. Just because shit happened in the past doesn't mean it automatically has to snowball on you.

The past will catch up with you no matter what or who you are.

>Trying to imply humanity is less than rotten. Why do you even bother?

Because humanity is below rotten, rot gets disgusted by humanity, humans are the filth of this universe, and it is not until everyone knows it or until the fact of it changes that I will ever stop trying to make sure of just that.

>'the world suxx'-rant is helped make it seemed like that.


>virginty = auto-win solitude + happy-ever-after


45 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-19 20:50 ID:Heaven

Ha ha, cheer up emo kid!
The world sucks because you cut yourself at night.

46 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-19 23:49 ID:Heaven


Yeah I guess I am bitter and a bit too extreme in my arguments at times, stating absolute ideals I know noone can live up to. I hate people and don't care about burdening them with morality. I want them to hate themselves as much as they should, as I think they should hate their fucking guts. They move through this life making a mess, leaving it behind without lifting a finger to fix things because they can't be bothered to burden themselves with a situation that isn't to their advantage. Well except if they are too proud/scared to admit defeat, but that is no good basis on which to carry things on, because they will do it wrong with such motivations.

Not that I think it's better that such persons give up a relationship. They should change themselves within the relationship rather than fleeing from it and in stupidity think that they can find another, better one. They will just bring with them the person who held half the responsibility for the failiure of the last one(i.e. themselves). Well, mostly anyway, the instances where one party shares no responsibility are few.

47 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-20 00:07 ID:EZsEnHbj

>>I think I love you.

Instinctively I wished you are a woman.

48 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-20 01:25 ID:mo/zli/c

I act more like a woman than a man, but I have a penis.

49 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-20 01:59 ID:Heaven

Ofcourse this is the internet.

50 Name: Nibbles : 2007-02-20 03:50 ID:xf+KKo16

>>48 We are one in the same. I was raised by women, I know how they think and feel, I know how to comfort them and cater to their needs.

>>46 You stereotype the human race, you think you are the only who cares for others and not just yourself, You think your superior to everyone else, like the Good Samaritan way of life is a thing of the past, not everyone is a egotistical selfish asshole believe or not, so why don't you get that stick out of your ass.

51 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-20 04:57 ID:EZsEnHbj


Knowing how women think and feel is only a mystery to guys who assume they are on the same level as themselves, then they won't make any sense. You have to accept the fact that a woman is inferior to understand her and be able to give her what she wants/need. Figured out why the good guys get no chicks? Well there you go.... The worst thing about girls is that they are more intellectually gifted than men, however, emotions is their undisputed master, and that turns them into total morons in spite of their mental capacity. They will even turn their potential for general knowledge into shit, while whoring for their flesh. It's better to be a retard and use your brains at full capacity, than to have the highest IQ ever just to dump it out through your crotch.

>>You stereotype the human race

Yet you steriotype me. You start standing up straight for real and see how the cirkle of jerking suddenly breaks down for you. Then you can start to realize that these fucking monkeys won't braid you unless you suck their cocks the way they like it. Primate motherfuckers, they will do good only to promote their evil. Think nothing of human generousity, they will hold their "kindness" against you once you start preaching. If they were complete assholes, they couldn't argue that it's ok that they also cheat, talk shit, drink their brains out, do drugs and turn rampantly perverted. Once they lose all those things that they love soooo dearly, it will be no more mister nice guy I'm telling you.

Your sense of wisdom makes me wanna puke, I'll keep my stick right where it is.

Do I, btw, in the midst of all my spite, seem to think I'm any better, given the standards I'm promoting? I'm unpracticing myself as I preach, in other words I'm no better. Just that I don't feel a need to defend myself, nor others, with bullshit excuses. I won't back up on the truth even if it brings both me and everyone else down with it. Not because I wanna be a hero or nothing, me against the world or any of that shit. I just don't fucking care, ok?

But sure, fine, I know there are good, decent people. That is, people who realize they are shitheads and feel awful about it, and if they at least were forced of the general order of things they might pull their thumbs out of their asses. But they haven't proven to be numerous enough to even be accounted for in arguments for/against humanity. IMHO

52 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-20 14:01 ID:BBvCcOMu

You're bitter AND stereotyping.

53 Name: OPer : 2007-02-21 11:32 ID:4u/9bDLj


>How is it that you know she doesn't fuck guys on the side?

I guess I don't, but I'll just have to trust her (and I do). But this was never a concern for me because she is not that kind of girl. Anyway, we had some openhearted conversations about this topic recently and the nervous feeling I had before has somewhat faded (although not entirely). I suppose the cure is just seeing her more often, because I don't really have it for a day or 2/3 after I have been with her.

54 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-21 14:02 ID:EZsEnHbj


Ok fine, I wouldn't mind if it's just me, really. Better me just being nuts than the whole world being fuck, right?

55 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-22 20:58 ID:Heaven

Good luck on becoming more altruistic toward a world you despise. "Here, you ingrate, accept my selfless gesture!"
Also, good luck with dating. I can imagine the conversation now:
"I'm better than you because I have a penis. Want to have sex now?" "I see you are crying. Probably because you are a woman. Don't get all worked up, its for the good of the species."

56 Name: Nibbles : 2007-02-23 05:32 ID:xf+KKo16

>>55 Owned

57 Name: DENSHA : 2007-02-23 10:19 ID:+9cQs7KW

I think it doesnt matter that much. but virgins are more fun in general.

58 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-23 11:08 ID:Heaven


Yeah it's like that, people won't put out in any way unless you butter them up. Can't say I care for what people have to give if you have to buy it with bullshit.

Besides, you can't imagine shit, because I never said I was better. I don't look down on people, it's kind of hard when you're at the same level. Ok fuckhead? Both sexes have their goods and bads, and being better suited for one thing doesn't make you more worth. You have this retarded "more, bigger is better" thinking, I don't. But if you want to think like that, this also holds true; The "better" you are, the more you suck shit for lesser mistakes. Thus, men are more assholes than women, because if we have better conditions to be good, we are obviously more of a failiure for not being much better. Men have a responsibility to set an example, but we don't really do that, so we can't blame anyone but ourselves.



59 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-23 15:51 ID:mo/zli/c

Thank you, you have given me lots of wonderful ideas for things to say in situations like that should I ever mistakenly find myself in one of them.

60 Name: Nibbles : 2007-02-23 18:05 ID:xf+KKo16

>>58 Only on the weekends.

61 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-24 08:33 ID:Heaven

This thread has revealed how nasty you really are.

62 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-24 17:25 ID:ZYlhvc8B

I dunno, OP. Do you think she'll cheat on you? If she's faithful then her past sex life shouldn't matter, should it? (Unless she caught some sort of terrible disease!!)

I personally only have sex with people I am in committed relationships with - that's just me. I need to trust someone to get to that level of intimacy with them.
I know other girls might be a little/lot more lax with those kinds of standards - but that's okay, isn't it? I have a friend who is the sweetest girl in the world, and is completely faithful and wonderful in her relationships - but when she's single, she has many friends-with-benefits and one-night-stands. It's not MY cup of tea, but it's her choice, isn't it?

63 Name: Densha Otaku LOL!!V5PEVwRU : 2007-02-25 04:22 ID:Heaven

People who enjoy sex without love are monkeys... See, that is pure animal instinct as it is driven only by lust and pleasure. What makes us different from other animals? We have logic + emotion.

See: Evolution.

No wonder humans slowly evolve, we can count ourselves lucky even with the existence of the idiots that let's their dick/pussy get the best of them. Take for example my fucking ex, she only has sex with other guys to feel better about herself. What a crock of shit, good reason? Most people use that reason because most people are hypocrites.

Sex for procreation is understandable and logical.
Sex for love has reason and motive.
Sex for fun is so fucking selfish. Motherfuckers.

See. Control is another thing. Girls that drop panties because they think they're fucking in love? Huh? I'll stop here.

Sex has become so overrated.
Love too.

We're all fucked. No one dies a virgin, life will screw you over and over again anyway.


I don't like emos.

64 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-25 09:25 ID:Heaven


You have to be a virgin yourself, to believe that.

Everyone knows it's more fun with someone who knows what the hell they're doing.

65 Name: Densha Otaku LOL!!V5PEVwRU : 2007-02-25 11:37 ID:Heaven

>>64, we have different opinions.

And just for the record, i'm not a virgin, and I believe that.

>Everyone knows it's more fun with someone who knows what the hell they're doing.

Well, count me out and the others who has similar thoughts to me.

Knows what the hell they're doing?

Sometimes, people are just too intelligent that they even outsmart themselves.

It's better to be simple-minded.

66 Name: Nibbles : 2007-02-25 20:21 ID:xf+KKo16

>>61 This thread has shown how ignorant you are.

67 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-26 07:06 ID:Un1Jax/C

Cocksucker, man-whore, anything else you wanna add to your resume?

And on the topic of ignorance, I believe you were the one who added some half-assed point about God and sex.

68 Name: densha : 2007-02-26 14:25 ID:+3Zg/35Z

virgins are definitely better :)

69 Name: Nibbles : 2007-02-26 18:30 ID:xf+KKo16

>>67 Oh I'm making a resume. Well in that case throw in that I'm a hard worker, and I love cats, and I love to go on long walks on a warm sunny day. ^_^

70 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-26 19:20 ID:Heaven

Well, looks like this thread has degraded into everyone calling Nibbles a whore and Nibbles saying he isn't... shame i missed the good part

71 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-26 20:07 ID:Heaven

"Yeah it's like that, people won't put out in any way unless you butter them up. Can't say I care for what people have to give if you have to buy it with bullshit."
I suppose I agree with that, but, but had no idea we were attributing that attribute to other people.

"Besides, you can't imagine shit, because I never said I was better."
I CAN imagine feces, but don't generally prefer to. Also, yes you did.

"You have this retarded "more, bigger is better" thinking, I don't."
What? Is this some more crazy non-sequitur, or a reference to your aforementioned superiority, stating something to the effect that this superiority is not due to something that can be expressed quantitatively? If that is the case, it sounds like an attempt to mince words by saying that things can be superior, but not "better", and given your general attitude, I can't fathom what your motivation for doing so would be. Unless you are trying to court some woman on this board and compliment her by saying "That guy is wrong, I didn't say I'm better than you, just superior to you." which I doubt will really work.

"But if you want to think like that, this also holds true; The "better" you are, the more you suck shit for lesser mistakes. Thus, men are more assholes than women, because if we have better conditions to be good, we are obviously more of a failiure for not being much better. Men have a responsibility to set an example, but we don't really do that, so we can't blame anyone but ourselves."
Where the hell did that come from? Your leaps of logic are almost incomprehensible. Stream of conscious style posting doesn't really work well when trying to express your opinion like this. IHBT?

72 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-27 06:31 ID:Heaven

You can't deny that this has been one of the more exciting threads on Love.

73 Name: Nibbles : 2007-02-28 00:56 ID:xf+KKo16

>>72 I agree, I got quite a few laughs out of it. I'm still laughing. ^_^

74 Name: Nibbles : 2007-02-28 01:01 ID:xf+KKo16

I do have something I would like to give the OP, I just recently sexed one of my friends, weve been friends for a long time and she was a virgin, I am not, and I think the fact Im not a virgin made her uncomfortable, she is a friend that is in love with me and I think since I wasnt a virgin it didnt feel right to her and now she hardly talks to me and she acts all weird around me. So my reasoning for saying this is, if you have a problem with it, find someone else who hasnt been with very many guys or no guys at all, cause if you both take each others virginity it has more meaning to it.

75 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-02-28 13:11 ID:Heaven

Yes, that's right, just avoid the point by uttering some random blabber.

Say, you got the 69GET. FUNNY THAT.

76 Name: Nibbles : 2007-02-28 18:01 ID:xf+KKo16

>>75 Oh you had no point your just trying to start an internet fight like a little ignorant child and I'm pushing it aside, congratulations. :D

77 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-03-01 13:55 ID:Heaven

Read your God/Jesus/Religion point again if you wanna talk about ignorant.

78 Name: densha : 2007-03-02 13:07 ID:+3Zg/35Z

hermes is a virgin definitely

79 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-03-02 18:21 ID:Heaven


Seems like your friend wasn't virgin and the syphilis already started to rot your brain.

80 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-03-02 18:21 ID:Heaven


Of course, everything that goes against your opinion must be ignorant, no?

What an open-minded, unbiased view.

81 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-03-03 02:36 ID:Heaven

If you read it you'd know what I meant.

82 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-03-05 05:25 ID:Heaven


>>I CAN imagine feces, but don't generally prefer to. Also, yes you did.

Might be a question of semantics, you are taking this to the human-value court, I was speaking of practicalities.

>>What? Is this some more crazy non-sequitur, or a reference to your aforementioned superiority, stating something to the effect that this superiority is not due to something that can be expressed quantitatively?

I used "superior" as speaking of the advantages/dissadvantages that comes with our sexes different qualities. Our bodies work differently, our brains work differently, we have varying instincts, different priorities, it's purely biological. The differences in these fields make men more prone to follow morals while women are more prone to follow emotions, from a moral point of view that does make men superior. And I'll remind you we were looking into moral issues.

When I said "better", I was speaking of human value, you know like equality and shit, and I wanted to point out that even if we were to value the sexes differently in this sense it would still even out because; just as women rarely use their intellectual capacity for any good, men regularly fail to use their moral aptitude to much effect.

>>Where the hell did that come from? Your leaps of logic are almost incomprehensible. Stream of conscious style posting doesn't really work well when trying to express your opinion like this. IHBT?

Read above.

83 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-03-05 18:19 ID:Heaven

"men more prone to follow morals"
"men regularly fail to use their moral aptitude"
I was having some good lulz, and then I realized that your blatant contradictions and sweeping generalizations only make the rest of us look bad. Seriously, you give your feminist counterparts (the ones who think women are superior) more ammo when you start expressing yourself.

84 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-03-09 13:17 ID:Heaven


>>"men more prone to follow morals"

"men regularly fail to use their moral aptitude"
I was having some good lulz, and then I realized that your blatant contradictions and sweeping generalizations only make the rest of us look bad.

Thing is, men still are more moral than women, in avarage, just as women still are more intellectually gifted than men in avarage. The last statement, due to extensive investigations in the area is more or less a proven fact. The first statement would be too if anyone actually cared to make such surveys.

I'd say it's guys like you who make men look bad because you're such a fucking cunt. You're just riding the waves, turning your coat to the wind, etc. 300 years ago you'd been a massive fucking machiavellistic prick instead, pissing me off in entirely different ways. If we would instead nurture the sexes different talents and aptitudes in a promotive environment, things would be working much more smoothly, and there wouldn't even be any point in talking about stupid shit like "equality". Noone would even ask for it in the first place. Well except the shitheads who simply can't be content with their natural place in life... Oh wait thats like 95% plus of the human population!

Ok just carry on, my utopian ideals are futile....

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