URGENT!!! How to pick up girls at a hotel, that you will probably never see again...I'm 14. (16)

8 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-03-26 10:52 ID:Heaven

Learn to masturbate properly first, kiddo. You're too young to have your dick anywhere near a girl's genitalia. Learn some techniques for pleasing yourself and others without involving your dick, and learn all about STDs and pregnancy prevention. Having sex with a real person is very different from masturbating. A person that young is no masturbation aid, possibly many years later when they willingly want to help you masturbate. Sticking it into her is about pleasing her as much as yourself, and quite frankly at your age with that attitude you might as well go take it up the ass from your buddies. At least that will give you some sense of perspective a few years down the lane when you're trying to do something pleasant together with a chick.

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