I need to kill an arranged marriage. (20)

1 Name: shy-kun : 2007-04-18 20:02 ID:NCImEtQm

One of my best friends in the world is half Lebanese. Arranged marriages are a long standing tradition in that culture. She told me yesterday that her grandparents have decided to, for some unknown reason, set her up with one. The only problems: A.) she doesn't want to go through with this B.)If she doesn't, her grandparents, (the ones trying to set this up) who are f-ing loaded, will disown her, and her parents (who would get it all once the g.ps are gone, would really suffer C.) The person she marries could be just using her for the money,and that would lead to her heartbreak, D.) He could be someone who would abuse her or otherwise hurt her. And of course, E.) I want her for myself. (we dated a while back). Both of us are only high school freshmen, so there's not a lot we can do. Once this gets officially straightened out, she's screwed. I need some kind person to please tell me of any SERIOUS ideas to kill this marriage before it's finalized. Peace.

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