An interesting discussion about love on 4chan's /b/ (12)

7 Name: Seraphius : 2007-04-23 05:22 ID:ExOHOYLK


I agree, real love has not been completely forgotten, the self sacrificing type (even without getting anything in return). And hippies are not going to "usher in" such a thing, unless they are less loose then thier parents generation (good job they did huh?) and do not form thier opinions as solely an anti-war response.


I'm sick and tired of ignorant individuals trying to reduce the whole of human spirit and existance to some kind of byproduct of a fleshbag robot. Those opinions source the apathy that plagues this world and keeps us all from acheiving our full potential.

If it is all just chemical reactions in the brain, then is hate a construct too? Then is it okay if we all just get up and kill each other? I mean, if we have no more a soul than a bag of potato chips, then we are all inherently useless.

The truth is that humans do not have the full understanding of what makes them tick. All they have are clumsy attempts of explaining why things work based on theories of why observed phenomena occur. All is not observable -> all is not readily "explainable".

The only construct that exists around love is how it is viewed and how a society deals with it.

Okay, my bag of troll food is empty for tonight...

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