plz read; i'd like to know what everyone thinks (33)

26 Name: TS : 2007-05-20 06:39 ID:ecn+xKg1

OP here.

I just finished my bag of chocolate and bottle of water, and for whatever reason, this came into my mind.

I don't think I'm wrong in saying that every one of us lives out life seeking some form of happiness/satisfaction. So how about this.

I'll raise my head high and proudly continue to be the nice guy I try to be. I'm trying to learn new things I consider badass; cooking, drawing, guitar. If I'm happy with myself, I'll shine so bright I'll blot out the sun, and eventually, I'll find a girl who I'll share happiness with, and who I'll do my best to keep happy. Chivalry is dead only if you believe it to be so.

emo mode broken.

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